What is hydrophilic aluminum foil

Yfirborð vatnssækinnar álpappírs hefur sterka vatnssækni. Vatnssækni ræðst af horninu sem myndast við að vatnið festist við yfirborð álpappírsins. Því minna sem hornið er a, því betra er vatnssækinn árangur, og öfugt, því verri er vatnssækin frammistaða. Almennt talað, hornið a er minna en 35.

It belongs to hydrophilic properties. Hydrophilic aluminum foil is generally used in condensers of air conditioners. Its main function is to make the moisture in the hot air easy to spread out when condensed into water droplets on the heat exchange fins and flow down the sheet.

Á þennan hátt, it can avoid that the water droplets between the heat exchange fins “brúa” and affect the ventilation effect of the heat exchanger, thereby improving the heat exchange rate of the air conditioner, and can also save electricity under the same cooling capacity. Sem stendur, the general hydrophilic aluminum foil on the market not only has better hydrophilicity on the surface, but also has higher corrosion resistance, þannig að afköst loftræstikerfisins verði betri.
hydrophilic aluminum foil evaporator

Hydrophilic aluminum foil production process

Plain foil -> Cleaning -> Húðun (hydrophilic layer and anti-corrosion layer) -> Divide -> Hydrophilic foil finished product

Hydrophilic foil is the main raw material of heat exchange fins in air conditioners. It is widely used in household air conditioners, refrigerators, automobile air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment. Compared with ordinary light foil, it has the following advantages:

  1. It can increase the anti-corrosion, anti-mold, and no peculiar smell;
  2. The condensed water on the accumulation surface of the heat exchange fins is evenly distributed on the surface, and will not cause the accumulation and blockage of the heat exchange fins after the formation of water droplets, which affects the heat exchange conditions, thereby increasing the heat exchange rate by 5%;
  3. Since the water has no beads, the noise caused by vibration is correspondingly reduced;
  4. It can prevent the air conditioner oxidation powder from blowing into the room and adversely affect the human body, which meets the requirements of environmental protection;
  5. The hydrophilic aluminum foil used for the air conditioner radiator shall meet the regulations of YS/T95.2-2001.

Structure of hydrophilic aluminum foil

Hydrophilic aluminum foil is a special type of aluminum foil that has been treated to have a hydrophilic (water-absorbent) surface. This treatment is commonly used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems, especially in the construction of heat exchanger fins. The hydrophilic surface helps improve heat transfer efficiency by promoting the condensation of moisture on the fin surface. Here is a brief introduction to the structure of hydrophilic aluminum foil:

Base material aluminum foil: The core material is standard aluminum foil. It is usually made of high-quality pure aluminum and rolled into thin sheets.

Hydrophilic coating: Hydrophilic properties are achieved by applying a specialized coating to one or both sides of the aluminum foil.

Yfirborðsmeðferð: Hydrophilic coatings are usually applied through a chemical or electrochemical process to make them more attractive to water molecules.

Microstructure: Hydrophilic treatment changes the surface of the aluminum foil, reducing its contact angle with water droplets. This means that the water droplets spread and form a film on the surface, rather than beading up.

Af hverju að velja okkur?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. er leiðtogi margra álframleiðenda og birgja í Kína. Við höfum strangt eftirlit með gæðum og einbeitum okkur að viðskiptavinum. Við vonumst til að eiga ítarlegt samstarf við þig og veita þér hágæða álefnisvörur sérsniðna OEM þjónustu. Ef þú vilt fá nýjasta og besta verðið fyrir hvert kg eða tonn af staðlaðri þyngd, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur.

Framleiðslulína úr álpappír


  • Pakki: Trékassi
  • Standard tréhylkislýsing: Lengd*Breidd*Hæð=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Einu sinni þörf,Hægt væri að endurhanna viðarhylki eftir þörfum.
  • Hvert trékassa Heildarþyngdarvog: 500-700KG Nettóþyngd: 450-650KG
  • Athugasemd: Fyrir sérstakar kröfur um umbúðir, samsvarandi bætist við í samræmi við það.