Álpappír er góður hitaeinangrunarefni vegna þess að hún er lélegur hitaleiðari. Hiti er aðeins hægt að flytja í gegnum efni með leiðni, convection, eða geislun. Ef um álpappír er að ræða, varmaflutningur á sér stað fyrst og fremst með geislun, sem er útstreymi rafsegulbylgna frá yfirborði hlutar.
Álpappír er glansandi, reflective material that reflects radiant heat back towards its source. This means that if you wrap an object in aluminum foil, it will reflect the heat from the object back towards the object, rather than allowing it to escape into the surrounding environment. This can help to keep the object warm or cool, depending on its temperature and the surrounding conditions.
Auk þess, aluminum foil is a thin material, which means that it does not have much mass to absorb and transfer heat. This makes it less effective as a conductor of heat, and therefore a better insulator.
Á heildina litið, aluminum foil’s combination of reflectivity and low thermal mass make it an effective heat insulator.