Cos'è il foglio di alluminio per cavi?

Il foglio di alluminio per cavi è un tipo speciale di foglio di alluminio utilizzato per le strutture dei cavi. Viene lavorato da materie prime in lega di alluminio attraverso la laminazione a freddo, laminazione a caldo e altri processi. Il foglio di alluminio utilizzato nei cavi ha un'eccellente conduttività elettrica e una buona resistenza alla corrosione, soprattutto nel settore delle telecomunicazioni e dell'elettricità, giocando un ruolo importante.


8011 cable aluminum foil specification

Tolleranza sullo spessore(%)±2%

Cable aluminum foil alloy type

LegaTemperareSpessore(mm)Larghezza(mm)I.D.(mm)O.D.(mm)Tolleranza sullo spessore(%)LunghezzaLightness

Application of cable aluminum foil

What are the uses of cable aluminum foil?

Application of aluminum foil in the power field

1. Power cable shielding layer

Cable aluminum foil can be used as a shielding layer for power cables to block the impact of external electromagnetic interference on the interior of the cable. Aluminum foil has good electrical conductivity and electromagnetic shielding properties, which can effectively protect the transmission signal of the cable from interference.

2. Power cable outer sheath

Cable aluminum foil can also be used as the outer sheath of power cables to protect the internal insulation layer of the cable. Aluminum foil has good corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, and can effectively prevent external moisture and corrosive substances from corroding the cable insulation layer.

Application of aluminum foil in communication field

1. Optical cable shielding layer

Optical cable is a communication cable used to transmit optical signals. Aluminum foil can be used as a shielding layer of the optical cable to block the impact of external electromagnetic interference on optical signals. Aluminum foil has good electromagnetic shielding and electrical conductivity properties, which can ensure the transmission quality of optical signals.

2. Communication cable outer sheath

The aluminum foil in communication cables can be used as an outer sheath to protect the internal insulation layer of the cable. Aluminum foil has good corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, which can effectively prevent external moisture and corrosive substances from corroding the cable insulation layer and ensure the transmission quality of communication signals.

Application of aluminum foil in construction field

1. Building insulation materials

Cable aluminum foil can be used as part of building insulation materials to improve the insulation performance of buildings. Aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and insulation properties, which can effectively prevent the transmission of indoor and outdoor heat, reduce energy consumption, e migliorare l’efficienza energetica degli edifici.

2. Building decoration materials

Aluminum foil can be used as a building decoration material to decorate building surfaces or walls. Aluminum foil has good corrosion resistance and plasticity, and can be made into decorative sheets of various shapes and colors to make the building appearance more beautiful.

Advantages of cable aluminum foil

Cable aluminum foil offers several advantages when used in cable construction, soprattutto nel settore delle telecomunicazioni e dell'elettricità.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding: Cable aluminum foil provides excellent EMI shielding capabilities, helping to protect cables from external electromagnetic interference and prevent electromagnetic radiation from escaping from the cable.

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Shielding: In addition to EMI shielding, cable foil also provides effective RFI shielding, which is important in applications where RF signals need to be isolated and prevented from interfering with other electronic devices.

Electrical Insulation: Cable foil can act as an insulating layer in some cable constructions, helping to provide electrical insulation and maintain the integrity of the cable.

Resistente alla corrosione: High-quality cable foils are often treated to resist corrosion, ensuring long-term cable performance and reliability, even in challenging environmental conditions.

Mechanical Protection: The foil provides mechanical protection to the internal components of the cable, protecting them from external forces such as bending, twisting and abrasion. This helps extend the life of the cable.

Flessibilità: Cable foil is designed to be flexible and conform to the shape of the cable without affecting its shielding and insulation properties. This flexibility makes it suitable for a variety of cable designs.

Leggero: Il foglio di alluminio è leggero, which is beneficial in applications where the overall weight of the cable needs to be minimized.

Durabilità: Aluminum foil is a durable material that can withstand a variety of environmental conditions, ensuring that cables remain reliable and functional for an extended period of time.

Cable foil is a versatile and effective material that provides EMI and RFI shielding, isolamento elettrico, resistenza alla corrosione, mechanical protection and flexibility. These advantages make aluminum foil the first choice material for cable production.

Perché scegliere noi?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. è il leader di molti produttori e fornitori di alluminio in Cina. Controlliamo rigorosamente la qualità e ci concentriamo sui clienti. Ci auguriamo di avere una collaborazione approfondita con voi e di fornirvi servizi OEM personalizzati di prodotti in materiale di alluminio di alta qualità. Se desideri ottenere i prezzi più recenti e migliori in base al peso standard per kg o per tonnellata, Ci contatti per favore.

Linea di produzione di fogli di alluminio


  • Pacchetto: Scatola di legno
  • Specifiche standard della custodia in legno: Lunghezza*Larghezza*Altezza=1,4 m*1,3 m*0,8 m
  • Una volta necessario,la dimensione della cassa in legno potrebbe essere ridisegnata secondo necessità.
  • Per cassa di legno Bilancia del peso lordo: 500-700KG Peso netto: 450-650KG
  • Osservazione: Per esigenze di imballaggio particolari, corrispondente sarà aggiunto di conseguenza.