

カプセルシェルの場合, アルミ製なので, アルミニウムは無限にリサイクル可能な素材です.

カプセルコーヒーは一般的にアルミ筐体を使用しています. アルミニウムは現在最も保護的な素材です. コーヒーの香りを閉じ込めるだけではありません, 軽量でありながら強度も高い.
同時に, アルミニウムはコーヒーを酸素などの異物から守ります。, 湿気と光.
For coffee grounds, you can leave them untreated, but dry them and recycle them with the capsule shell; I usually use them as fertilizer for flowers.

What to do with recycled coffee capsules?

  • After shredding, the coffee grounds are separated from the aluminum coffee capsules.
  • The coffee grounds will then be turned into green energy or a nutrient-rich compost.
  • Empty coffee capsules are heated to melt and separate from plastic coatings and other materials.
  • At the end only the purest aluminium remains, which will be reused.