1. Wide Kelembapan-bukti anti banyu: Aluminum foil tape has the performance of moisture-proof, anti banyu, oksidasi, lsp., kang bisa èfèktif nglindhungi item adesif lan nyegah saka kang eroded dening Kelembapan lan uap banyu.
2. Insulation insidity: Tape aluminium foil nduweni kinerja insulasi termal sing apik, bisa èfèktif nyegah transmisi panas lan cocok kanggo jampel termal saka pipelines, air conditioners, refrigerators, cars, trains, and other equipment.
3. Easy to use: Aluminum foil tape has a high viscosity, can firmly bond the adhesive items and is easy to tear, which can be used easily and quickly.
4. High-temperature resistance: Aluminum foil tape has high high-temperature resistance, can withstand the use of high-temperature environments and is suitable for some occasions that require high-temperature resistance.
5. Beautiful and generous: aluminum foil tape has a bright color, good texture, and metallic luster, which is also welcomed in the field of home decoration, and car beauty.