“Aluminium Foil Kab 13 Mikron” yaiku aluminium foil tipis lan entheng sing ana ing kisaran kekandelan aluminium foil kluwarga lan umume digunakake kanggo macem-macem kemasan lan tujuan insulasi.. Iki minangka spesifikasi ketebalan sing umum banget.
13μm aluminum foil 0.013aluminium foil mm Household packaging aluminum foil
13 micron aluminum foil is widely used as a holding material and has general specifications in packaging.
13 micron aluminum foil is widely used in various industries due to its light and thin characteristics.
13 micron aluminum foil for food packaging: 13 micron aluminum foil is widely used in the food industry for packaging various foods. 13 micron foil provides a barrier against moisture, light and contaminants, helping to maintain food freshness, flavor and quality.
It is widely used in the packaging of chocolate, permen, chewing gum and other confectionery products.
13 micron foil for cooking and baking: 13 micron foil can wrap food such as vegetables, fish or meat before baking or grilling, retaining moisture and heat.
Insulating aluminum foil: Thin aluminum foil such as 13 microns can be used to wrap pipes to insulate and reduce heat loss.
Kemasan Farmasi: Aluminum foil is used in pharmaceutical packaging to protect medicines from environmental factors and maintain their efficacy. 13 micron foil can be used to package tablets, capsules and other products.
Electrical Applications: In some cases, thin aluminum foil is used in electrical applications. They can be used as conductors in flexible circuits and other electronic components or for shielding purposes.
Decoration and packaging purposes: Thin aluminum foil can be used for decoration.
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