Air-conditioning is indispensable to escape the heat in summer. Minangka AC mlebu ewonan rumah tangga, iku uga terus berkembang. Ing saiki, AC sing mboko sithik berkembang ing arah miniaturization, efficiency dhuwur, lan panjang umur. The air-conditioning heat exchange fins are also correspondingly developed in the direction of ultra-thin and high strength. In the 1980s, the thickness of the heat exchange fins was 0.15-0.2 ram, but nowadays, the thickness is only between 0.09 lan 0.15 mm. In order to increase the life of the air conditioner, reduce the power consumption, improve the ventilation quality and increase the refrigeration effect, a variety of functions of heat fins have been produced.
The air-conditioning foil has a thickness of 0.1mm to 0.15mm. With the development of technology, there is a trend of further thinning of air-conditioning foils. Today, the thickness of Japan’s leading product is 0.09mm. In the ultra-thin state, aluminum foil must have good formability, its arrangement and performance must be uniform, less metallurgical defects, and small anisotropy. Ing wektu sing padha, it needs high strength, ductility apik, uniform thickness, and good flatness. The standards and alloys of air-conditioning foils are relatively simple and suitable for large-scale production. Nanging, the market has strong seasonality. Professional manufacturers of air-conditioning foils can hardly deal with the contradiction between oversupply in peak seasons and no need in cold seasons.
Due to the weak stock market demand, the production capacity and skill level of China’s air-conditioning foil have been continuously improved in recent years, and a group of companies producing air-conditioning foils of large, medium and small, dhuwur, middle and low levels has been formed. The product quality of some large companies such as North China Aluminum and Bohai Aluminum It has basically reached the world’s leading level. Because of the overcapacity of domestic production, market competition is extremely fierce.
Air conditioner aluminum foil can be divided into 7 categories according to its processing technology and performance characteristics.
Non-coated aluminum foil refers to aluminum foil that has been rolled and annealed without any form of treatment on the surface. Ing negaraku 10 taun kepungkur, and about 15 taun kepungkur, the aluminum foils used for heat exchangers in air conditioners were all non-coated aluminum foils. Malah ing saiki, babagan 50% of the heat exchange fins used in developed countries are still uncoated aluminum foil, nalika ing negaraku, rasio iki kira 60%.
The so-called coated aluminum foil is to reprocess the surface of non-coated aluminum foil to make it have a certain special function. In countries with fast technological development such as Japan and Germany, coated aluminum foil has been used for more than 15 taun. Ing negaraku, nggunakake aluminium foil ditutupi ora ngluwihi 10 taun.
Lumahing produk aluminium foil tahan karat duwe lapisan protèktif anti-karat tartamtu. The air-conditioning heat exchange sheet made of this product can be applied to relatively harsh areas and can significantly increase the service life of the air conditioner. Ing wektu sing padha, amarga asil dandan saka resistance karat saka sheet exchange panas, generasi bubuk karat lumahing wis suda banget, kanthi mangkono nambah kualitas ventilasi lan ngresiki udhara ing kamar ber-AC.
Aluminium foil hidrofobik uga disebut aluminium foil anti banyu, lan sipat lumahing mung ngelawan saka aluminium foil hidrofilik. Iku, nalika banyu kental condenses ing lumahing aluminium foil, the contact angle with the aluminum foil is relatively large, umume 75. the above. Sing luwih gedhe sudut, luwih apik repellency banyu. The ultimate goal of using hydrophobic aluminum foil is the same as that of hydrophilic aluminum foil, iku, kanggo nyegah banyu kondensasi tetep ana ing antarane sirip ijol-ijolan panas. The difference is that the hydrophobic aluminum foil achieves the purpose of removing the condensed water between the heat exchange fins by increasing the contact angle between the condensate water and the heat exchange fins, so that the condensate water forms droplets that are easy to slide down.
In the process of processing and manufacturing air-conditioning heat exchange fins, lubricating oil is generally added to the surface, banjur punching lan flanging, and finally trichloroethylene is used to wash off the lubricating oil. Amarga trichlorethylene mbebayani kanggo awak manungsa, kanggo nyuda proses iki, a self-lubricating aluminum foil is produced accordingly. Minangka jeneng kasebut, self-lubricating aluminum foil does not need to be lubricated separately during its punching process, lan lubrication sak punching ditanggung dening film sing wis diolah ing permukaan aluminium foil. Amarga ora perlu nambah lenga pelumas, the subsequent cleaning and drying process of trichloroethylene is omitted.
The anti-mold aluminum foil is mainly used for the indoor unit of the air die. Its main function is to prevent the surface of the heat exchange fins from being moldy due to use or storage for a long time, thereby significantly improving the air conditioning quality and preventing abnormal odors. Improve the air-conditioned indoor environment.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. iku pimpinan akeh pabrik aluminium lan supplier ing China. We strictly ngontrol kualitas lan fokus ing pelanggan. Kita ngarep-arep duwe kerjasama sing jero karo sampeyan lan nyedhiyakake layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Yen sampeyan pengin entuk rega paling anyar lan paling apik saben kg utawa bobot standar saben ton, hubungi kita.