Today, kanthi perkembangan ekonomi sing cepet lan terus-terusan ningkatake kualitas urip, aluminium foil kanggo tableware nganggo digunakake liyane lan liyane kerep ing saben dina.
Aluminum foil for disposable tableware can be waterproof, njaga kesegaran, nyegah bakteri lan noda, and maintain flavor and freshness.
The main material of aluminum foil lunch boxes is aluminum foil. Lumahing aluminium foil nduweni lapisan oksida sing padhet. Sifat kimia saka lapisan oksida iki relatif stabil banget. Anggere ora ing lingkungan asam kuwat, aluminum ions will not precipitate.
Aluminum foil for disposable tableware can be recycled, reducing pollution and saving resources, which is a very wise choice.
Nyatane, it is 3000 series or 8000 series aluminum ingot raw material.
After cold rolling or hot rolling, it becomes an aluminum foil master roll with uniform thickness, lumahing Gamelan, no pinholes, no dust particles, and no odor.
It is a one-time fully automatic cold stamping production process with special equipment and molds.
Aluminum foil is a thin metal material processed from pure aluminum or aluminum alloy. It is often used in packaging, pengawetan, heat and sound insulation and other fields. Aluminum foil has the following characteristics:
In addition to the above characteristics, aluminum foil also has the characteristics of recyclability and plasticity, which can be recycled and reused to save resources. Aluminum foil materials play an important role in industrial production and daily life, and have broad application prospects in packaging, konstruksi, aerospace and other industries.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. iku pimpinan akeh pabrik aluminium lan supplier ing China. We strictly ngontrol kualitas lan fokus ing pelanggan. Kita ngarep-arep duwe kerjasama sing jero karo sampeyan lan nyedhiyakake layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Yen sampeyan pengin entuk rega paling anyar lan paling apik saben kg utawa bobot standar saben ton, hubungi kita.