Aluminum foil for condenser fins is a material used in the manufacture of condensers. Kondensor minangka piranti sing nyedhot gas utawa uap dadi cairan lan umume digunakake ing kulkas., AC, aplikasi otomotif lan industri. Sirip minangka bagéyan penting saka kondensor, lan fungsine kanggo nambah area pendinginan lan efisiensi pertukaran panas, making the condenser more efficient.
Aluminum foil for condenser fins is usually a thin, strip-shaped aluminum material with longitudinal protrusions, shaped like a whale’s fin. This foil effectively increases the surface area of the condenser and increases the cooling effect by creating resistance to the flow of air or liquid. Aluminum foil for condenser fins usually has good corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity and plasticity, and can adapt to different manufacturing processes and use environments.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. iku pimpinan akeh pabrik aluminium lan supplier ing China. We strictly ngontrol kualitas lan fokus ing pelanggan. Kita ngarep-arep duwe kerjasama sing jero karo sampeyan lan nyedhiyakake layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Yen sampeyan pengin entuk rega paling anyar lan paling apik saben kg utawa bobot standar saben ton, hubungi kita.