Lidding foil, uga dikenal minangka tutup foil utawa tutup, minangka lembaran tipis saka aluminium utawa bahan komposit sing digunakake kanggo nutup wadhah kayata cangkir, kendi, lan tray kanggo nglindhungi isi nang.
Lidding foil teka ing macem-macem wujud, ukuran, lan desain sing cocog karo macem-macem jinis kontaner lan aplikasi kemasan. Padha bisa dicithak nganggo branding, logos, and product information to enhance a product’s shelf appeal.
Aluminium foil kanggo tutup
Lidding foils are designed to provide a secure seal to prevent product leakage, contamination and deterioration. They are also used to maintain the freshness, aroma and flavor of food or beverages.
Lidding foils are usually coated with a heat-sealable material that can be bonded to the container using heat and pressure. The sealing process creates an airtight seal that prevents air, moisture and other contaminants from entering the container.
Protect the items inside the package from the influence of the external environment, prevent moisture, oxygen and other harmful substances from entering the package, and affect the quality and stability of the items. Kajaba iku, aluminum foil for cover can also be used as product identification and packaging decoration to improve the aesthetics and grade of the product.
Such as the use of nano-materials, special coating technology, lsp.
aluminum foil for coffee capsule lid, aluminum foil for food container lid, aluminum foil for yogurt cup lid, water cup lid etc
Lidding foils are commonly used in the packaging industry for food and beverage products such as yogurt, cheese, coffee, and other ready-to-eat foods.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. iku pimpinan akeh pabrik aluminium lan supplier ing China. We strictly ngontrol kualitas lan fokus ing pelanggan. Kita ngarep-arep duwe kerjasama sing jero karo sampeyan lan nyedhiyakake layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Yen sampeyan pengin entuk rega paling anyar lan paling apik saben kg utawa bobot standar saben ton, hubungi kita.