Kelembapan-bukti, sifat anti-oksidasi lan cahya-bukti: Aluminium foil kanggo kemasan tablet nduweni kelembapan sing apik banget, sifat anti-oksidasi lan cahya-bukti, sing bisa nglindhungi obat kanthi efektif saka kelembapan, oksigen lan cahya, kanthi mangkono ndawakake umur beting lan wektu validitas obat.
adhesion apik: Aluminum foil for tablet packaging has excellent adhesion, which can closely adhere to the surface of the medicine, prevent oxygen and moisture from entering the medicine, and prevent the medicine from absorbing external odors.
Good rigidity and tensile properties: Aluminum foil for tablet packaging has good rigidity and tensile properties, which can effectively protect medicines from external extrusion and deformation.
Sanitation, safety and convenience: The aluminum foil material for tablet packaging has the characteristics of sanitation, safety and convenience. It is easy to pack, store and carry, and is convenient for patients to use.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. iku pimpinan akeh pabrik aluminium lan supplier ing China. We strictly ngontrol kualitas lan fokus ing pelanggan. Kita ngarep-arep duwe kerjasama sing jero karo sampeyan lan nyedhiyakake layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Yen sampeyan pengin entuk rega paling anyar lan paling apik saben kg utawa bobot standar saben ton, hubungi kita.