Тұрмыстық алюминий фольгасы ( HHF ) көптеген ерекше қасиеттерге ие: бай лак, жеңіл, ылғалға қарсы, ластануға қарсы және ұңғыма электр энергиясын өткізетін орган болып табылады. Ол тамақ ыдысының қалқан қабатында кеңінен қолданылған, электрон, материалдық жабдықтар, және байланыс кабелі. Біз алюминий фольгасының қалыңдығын 0,0053-0,2 мм дейін жеткізе аламыз, және ені 300-1400 мм. Қорытпа кіреді 8011,8079,1235, which is widely used in many kinds for packaging material industrial, physic, the grocery industry and so on after it complex with the other materials.
Specifications for household aluminum foil vary by manufacturer and region, but typical specifications are as follows:
Қалыңдығы: әдетте арасында 0.01 – 0.02мм, thinner ones may be more suitable for food packaging. Ені: Generally between 300 – 450мм, but other width options are possible. Ұзындығы: Generally between 5 – 100м, shorter ones are suitable for small families, and longer ones are more suitable for commercial use. Packing method: Usually packed in rolls or folded.
It should be noted that specific specifications will vary by manufacturer and region, and the above are only common specification ranges.
Colored surface treatment: Colored surface treatment is achieved by dyeing or applying a colored coating to change the color of the aluminum foil surface. The purpose of colored surface treatment is mainly for aesthetics and decorative effects to meet the needs of different consumers. Common colored finishes include gold, күміс, көк, қызыл, жасыл, және т.б.
Colorless surface treatment: Colorless surface treatment is achieved through physical processes such as rolling and annealing to improve the gloss, flatness and mechanical properties of the aluminum foil surface. The colorless surface treatment usually includes a slight grinding and annealing process to obtain better flatness and surface gloss, so as to better meet the needs of home use.
Used in family, supermarket, or restaurant kitchens, to wrap food and keep food fresh when baking, roasting or cooking.
Our household aluminium foil jumbo roll is a superior household material for food packaging which can resist water and oil. It can be reused and can isolate light and conduct heat. Because of these features, it is widely used in the food packaging industry.
Aluminum foil was first used as a packaging material, but over time it has found many other uses, including as a household item. Although the exact date is uncertain, it is speculated that the history of aluminum foil as a household item dates back to the 1950s and 1960s.
During this period, aluminum foil began to be widely used for food cooking, ovens and barbecues. People began to use aluminum foil to bake food in the oven to maintain the humidity and temperature of the food and prevent the food from sticking to the baking pan. Aluminum foil is also used as an easy wrapping material for roasted meats and grilled vegetables.
Aluminum foil has since been used to make other household items such as dust covers and insulation. Aluminum foil’s flexibility and durability make it an ideal material for crafting household items. Up to now, aluminum foil has become one of the common household items in our life.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Қытайдағы көптеген алюминий өндірушілері мен жеткізушілерінің көшбасшысы. Біз сапаны қатаң бақылап, тұтынушыларға назар аударамыз. Біз сізбен терең ынтымақтастықта боламыз және сізге жоғары сапалы алюминийден жасалған материалдардан жасалған OEM қызметтерін ұсынамыз деп үміттенеміз. Кг немесе тонна стандартты салмақ бойынша ең жаңа және ең жақсы бағаларды алғыңыз келсе, бізге хабарласыңыз.