Ji bo serê şewitandina pelê ya aluminiumê pêlava pelê aluminiumê ye ku ji bo parastina serê şewitandinê tê bikar anîn.
Şewitandin tê wateya pêleka agirê ku li ser sobeya gazê tê bikar anîn, sobeya gazê, an jî amûrên din ên gazê, ku ji bo têkelkirina gaz û hewayê û pêxistina wê ji bo hilanîna agirê tê bikaranîn. Di dema karanîna demdirêj de, dibe ku rûn û toz li ser rûyê şewatê kom bibe, which may affect the quality and stability of the flame, and even cause a fire.
It can cover the surface of the burner, prevent grease and dust from accumulating on the burner, and can reduce the frequency of cleaning the burner.
It also prevents the burner from direct contact with food and cooking utensils, avoiding contamination and damage.
The aluminum foil of the burner cover is usually made of aluminum foil, because aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and high-temperature resistance, and can withstand the high temperature of the burner.
Pure aluminum – AA1100 Alloy Aluminum – AA3003, AA3105 These alloys have excellent corrosion resistance and machinability and can meet the requirements of the burner cover.
Chemical Composition: Bo nimûne, AA3003 alloy contains 1.0% manganese, and AA3105 alloy contains 0.5% magnesium and 0.5% manganese.
Mechanical Behavior: Bo nimûne, the tensile strength of AA3003 alloy is 130MPa, the yield strength is 50MPa, and the elongation is 17%.
Corrosion Resistance: Bo nimûne, AA3105 alloy has excellent corrosion resistance and can be used to make seawater tanks, roof panels, etc.
Machinability: Bo nimûne, AA1100 alloy has good machinability and is suitable for processing processes such as deep drawing and spinning.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. rêberê gelek hilberîner û dabînkerên aluminiumê li Chinaînê ye. Em bi tundî kalîteyê kontrol dikin û li ser xerîdaran hûr dibin. Em hêvî dikin ku bi we re hevkariyek kûr hebe û karûbarên OEM-ê yên xwerû yên hilberên materyalê yên aluminium-ê yên kalîteyê peyda bikin. Heke hûn dixwazin bihayên herî nû û çêtirîn ji hêla kg an her ton giraniya standard bistînin, ji kerema xwe bi me re têkilî daynin.