Panek pelê aluminum çi ye?

Tepsiya foil keştiyek xwarinê ye ku ji pelê aluminiumê hatî çêkirin. Ji ber ku pelika aluminiumê xwedan guheztina germî û berxwedana korozyonê ya baş e, van tepsiyên pelê aluminiumê bi gelemperî ji bo pijandinê têne bikar anîn, şewitandin û hilanîna xwarinê. Ji ber sivikbûna wan, panikên pelên aluminiumê bi hêsanî ji bo cûrbecûr mebestan têne bikar anîn, Taybetmendiyên guheztina germî û rastiya ku ew dikarin piştî karanîna wan werin avêtin.


Aluminum foil for pans features

Key features of aluminum foil pans include:

Material: Made from aluminum foil, a thin, malleable metal.

Disposable: Typically designed for single use, convenient for events, parties, or situations where easy cleanup is required.

Conductivity: Aluminium rêvebirek hêja ya germê ye, allowing for even cooking and baking.

Versatility: Aluminum foil pans come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit different cooking and baking needs.

Cost-Effectiveness: Typically less expensive than other types of baking pans or baking sheets.

Recyclability: Aluminum is recyclable, and many foil pans can be recycled after use.

Xweşî: Often used for transporting or sharing food because they are lightweight and easy to carry.

Lid: Many aluminum foil pans come with corresponding lids to provide cover for food and facilitate storage and transportation.

Aluminum foil pans thickness

The thickness of pan aluminum foil is usually related to the application scenario. Different thicknesses have different uses:

Standard: Tîpîkî, standard aluminum foil for pans is about 15 ber 20 microns thick, which equates to about 60 ber 80 gauge. This thickness is suitable for basic cooking and baking needs.

Heavy Duty: Heavy duty aluminum foil for pans is thicker, typically 20 ber 30 microns or thicker, equivalent to about 80 ber 120 gauge. Heavy-duty foil is sturdier and suitable for tasks that require greater durability, such as baking or carrying heavier foods.

Extra Heavy Duty: Some manufacturers produce extra heavy duty aluminum foil in thicknesses over 30 microns or 120 gauge. This type of foil is designed for more demanding applications such as professional kitchens and industrial use.

When choosing aluminum foil for your pan, consider the specific cooking or baking task, as thicker foil is generally more durable and better suited for heavy-duty applications.

Çima me hilbijêrin?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. rêberê gelek hilberîner û dabînkerên aluminiumê li Chinaînê ye. Em bi tundî kalîteyê kontrol dikin û li ser xerîdaran hûr dibin. Em hêvî dikin ku bi we re hevkariyek kûr hebe û karûbarên OEM-ê yên xwerû yên hilberên materyalê yên aluminium-ê yên kalîteyê peyda bikin. Heke hûn dixwazin bihayên herî nû û çêtirîn ji hêla kg an her ton giraniya standard bistînin, ji kerema xwe bi me re têkilî daynin.

Xeta hilberîna pelê aluminium


  • Pakêt: Doza darîn
  • Specifications doza Wooden Standard: Dirêjahî* Firehiya* Bilindahî=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Carekê pêdivî ye,Li gorî hewcedariyê pîvana doza dar dikare ji nû ve were sêwirandin.
  • Ji bo doza dar Pîvana giraniya giştî: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Bingotin: Ji bo pêdiviyên pakkirinê yên taybetî, dê li gorî wê were zêdekirin.