1060 foila aluminium celebek gelemperî ye 1000 rêze berhemên alloy aluminium. Ew pelika aluminiumê ya paqij-paqijî ye ku bi kêmanî naveroka aluminiumê ye 99.6%. Ev celeb pelika aluminiumê gelek avantajên xwe hene û ji bo karanîna malê minasib e. 1060 aluminum foil can be used well for household aluminum foil packaging.
Avantajên performansê yên 1060 alloy wekî pelika malê:
1. Berxwedana korozyonê ya baş: 1060 foila aluminium xwedan berxwedana korozyonê ya hêja ye, which is essential for food packaging to ensure the service life and safety of packaged items.
2. High thermal conductivity: Foil aluminium 1060 has high thermal conductivity and can effectively retain heat or cold, making it ideal for cooking, baking and storing food.
3. Flexibility and ductility: Elemyûn 1060 foil is very ductile and can be easily molded into different shapes and sizes, making it convenient to wrap various types of food.
4. Non-toxic and safe: Elemyûn 1060 foil is non-toxic and safe for direct contact with food, which is essential for home use.
5. Recyclability: Aluminum foil is recyclable and is an environmentally friendly choice for home use.