Wekî ku ji navê xwe diyar dike, firkera hewayê makîneyek e ku hewayê bikar tîne “birajtin” xûrek. Ew bi karanîna prensîba gera hewaya bilez a bilind, bi giranî bi riya lûleya germkirinê ji bo germkirina hewayê, û dûv re fan dê hewa bikeve nav herikîna germê ya gera leza bilind, dema ku xwarin germ dibe, vekêşana hewaya germ dikare xwarinê zû dehydration bike, rûnê xwarinê pijandinê bi xwe, di dawîyê da, bibe rûbera xwarinê ya zerrî, appear similar to Fried color and taste.
Placing aluminum foil in an air frying pan will heat food more evenly, trapping moisture and preventing it from burning. It also prevents food and sauces from sticking to the sides of the frying pan and the bottom of the basket, making it easy to clean after use.
Lebê, it should be noted that when cooking with aluminum foil-wrapped materials, the materials will be difficult to cook, so the cooking time will be relatively long. When wrapping food with aluminum foil, do not wrap it too thick, otherwise, it will affect the taste of the food.