Pênc Avantajên Bikaranîna Foila Aluminum

Pênc Avantajên Bikaranîna Foila Aluminum

1-Moisture-proof û antî-oxidation: Kaxeza pelê aluminum dikare bi bandor rê li ber şilbûn û oksîdebûna xwarinê bigire û bibe sedema xirabûnê, da ku taze û tama xwarinê biparêze.

2-Termalîzasyon: Germbûna germê ya kaxezê pelê aluminium pir kêm e, ku dikare bi bandor germê îzole bike û pêşî li windabûna germê bigire.

3-Astengkirina tîrêjên UV: Aluminum foil can effectively block UV rays and protect food or other items from being damaged by light.

4-Easy to carry: aluminum foil paper is light and easy to carry, you can conveniently pack food or other items and carry it with you at any time.

5-Environmental protection and hygiene: aluminum foil paper can be reused, reducing waste, and has good hygienic performance and is harmless to the human body.