Kîjan pelika aluminiumê ya ji bo pakkirina xwarinê herî maqûl e

Kîjan pelika aluminiumê ya ji bo pakkirina xwarinê herî maqûl e

Di serîlêdanên pakkirina xwarinê de alikariya pelê aluminiumê ya herî gelemperî tê bikar anîn 8011. Alloy Aluminum 8011 alloyek tîpîk a foila aluminiumê ye û ji ber taybetmendiyên xwe yên hêja bûye standarda pîşesaziyê ji bo pakkirina xwarinê. Li vir çend sedem hene ku çima alloyek 8011 ji bo pakkirina xwarinê îdeal e:

Performansa astengiya baş: Foila aluminiumê ku jê hatî çêkirin 8011 alloy dikare bi bandor şilbûnê asteng bike, oksîjen û ronahî, helping to protect food and keep freshness for a longer time.

Flexibility and formability: Aluminum foil made from this alloy is highly flexible and easy to form, making it suitable for packaging food in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Germiya germî: Aluminum foil has good thermal conductivity and can be heated and cooled quickly, suitable for hot and cold food applications.

Safe and Non-Toxic: Aluminum foil is considered safe for food contact and does not impart any unpleasant taste or odor to the food it wraps.

Recyclability: Aluminum is a recyclable material, and the recycling process uses significantly less energy than producing new aluminium, making it an environmentally friendly choice.