Huawei алюминий: Сиздин ишенимдүү булагыңыз 50 Микрон алюминий фольга

Huawei Aluminiumга кош келиңиз, жогорку сапат үчүн сиздин бирдиктүү багытыңыз 50 микрон алюминий фольга. Биз белгилүү алюминий фольга фабрикасы жана дүң сатуучубуз, алюминий фольга буюмдарын өндүрүү жана жайылтуу боюнча адистешкен. Биздин кардарларыбыздын уникалдуу муктаждыктарын канааттандырууга умтулуу менен, we have established ourselves as a leading supplier in the industry.


About Huawei Aluminum

Huawei алюминийинде, we take immense pride in our extensive experience and expertise in producing aluminum foil. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and dedicated team enable us to meet the highest quality standards and provide products that cater to various industries and applications.

Why Choose Huawei Aluminum?

When you choose Huawei Aluminum as your supplier for 50 микрон алюминий фольга, you gain access to a host of advantages, анын ичинде:

  1. Exceptional Quality: Our aluminum foil is crafted to meet rigorous quality standards, ensuring superior performance and durability.
  2. Wide Range of Alloy Models: We offer a variety of alloy models to suit your specific needs. Here is a list of some of our most popular alloy models:
Alloy ModelAlloy Composition
123599.35% Алюминий
801199.00% Алюминий
807998.00% Алюминий
300398.60% Алюминий
505295.25% Алюминий
  1. Customization: We understand that every customer has unique requirements. Our team can tailor aluminum foil products to your exact specifications, including thickness, width, and length.
  2. Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive prices to ensure that our aluminum foil remains cost-effective for our clients.
  3. On-Time Delivery: Timely delivery is a key aspect of our service. We are committed to delivering your orders promptly and efficiently.
  4. Environmental Responsibility: Huawei Aluminum is dedicated to sustainable manufacturing practices, reducing our environmental impact.

50 Micron Aluminum Foil Specifications

Биздин 50 micron aluminum foil is available in various alloy models and comes with a range of specifications to meet different industry needs. Төмөндө, we have listed some of the most common specifications:

50 Micron Aluminum Foil Specifications:

Alloy ModelКалыңдыгы (микрон)Туурасы (мм)Узундук (м)Core ID (мм)

Our aluminum foil is manufactured with precision to ensure it meets the highest industry standards for thickness, width, and core ID. Custom specifications are also available to meet your specific project requirements.


Applications of 50 Микрон алюминий фольга

Биздин 50 микрон алюминий фольга has a wide range of applications across various industries. Some common applications include:

  1. Таңгактоо: Aluminum foil is widely used for packaging food, фармацевтика, and other products due to its excellent barrier properties, ensuring freshness and safety.
  2. Изоляция: It is used as a radiant barrier in the construction industry to provide thermal insulation.
  3. Electrical: In the electrical industry, aluminum foil is used for wiring and cable shielding to protect against electromagnetic interference (EMI).
  4. Cooking: Алюминий фольга is a staple in kitchens for cooking, бышыруу, and grilling due to its heat conductivity and non-stick properties.
  5. Decorative Crafts: It is used in arts and crafts projects for creating decorative items.

Биз менен байланышыңыз

Huawei алюминийинде, we are dedicated to meeting your aluminum foil requirements with precision and reliability. We are committed to providing the highest quality products and excellent customer service. If you have any inquiries or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated customer support team.

We are eager to serve your aluminum foil needs and look forward to establishing a long-lasting partnership. Huawei Aluminum is your trusted source for 50 микрон алюминий фольга, and we are here to exceed your expectations.

Thank you for choosing Huawei Aluminum as your preferred aluminum foil supplier. We look forward to doing business with you.

Эмне үчүн бизди тандаңыз?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Кытайдагы көптөгөн алюминий өндүрүүчүлөрдүн жана берүүчүлөрдүн лидери. Биз сапатты катуу көзөмөлдөйбүз жана кардарларга көңүл бурабыз. Биз сиз менен терең кызматташууга жана жогорку сапаттагы алюминий материалдык продуктылар бажы OEM кызматтары менен камсыз кылууга үмүттөнөбүз. Эгерде сиз эң жаңы жана эң мыкты бааларды кг же тонна стандарттык салмак боюнча алгыңыз келсе, биз менен байланышыңыз.

Алюминий фольга өндүрүү линиясы


  • Пакет: Жыгач куту
  • Стандарттык жыгач кутусунун спецификациясы: Узундугу*Туурасы*Бийиктиги=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Бир жолу керек,жыгач корпустун өлчөмү талапка жараша кайра иштелип чыгышы мүмкүн.
  • Жыгач корпустун жалпы салмагынын шкаласы: 500-700KG Таза Салмагы: 450-650KG
  • Эскертүү: Өзгөчө таңгактоо талаптары үчүн, тиешелүү түрдө толукталсын.