ортосундагы аткаруу айырмасы 3003 алюминий фольга жана алюминий табак

ортосундагы аткаруу айырмасы 3003 алюминий фольга жана алюминий табак

ортосундагы аткаруу айырмачылыктар 3003 алюминий фольга жана алюминий табак, биринчи кезекте, анын физикалык жана механикалык касиеттери жана анын арналган колдонуу менен байланыштуу. Бул жерде аткаруунун негизги айырмачылыктары бар:

Калыбына келтирүү:

3003 Алюминий фольга: 3003 алюминий фольга абдан калыптанган жана ийилген болот, түзүлөт жана оңой бүктөлөт. It is often used in applications that require flexibility and ease of molding, such as packaging.
Aluminum Sheet: Aluminum sheet is generally thicker than foil and less easy to shape. It is used in structural and load-bearing applications where rigidity and strength are more important than formability.

3003 Алюминий фольга: Aluminum foil is very thin, typically between 0.006 жана 0.2 мм (6 чейин 200 микрон) коюу.
Aluminum Sheet: Aluminum sheet is much thicker, typically ranging from 6 mm to several inches in thickness, depending on the application.

3003 Алюминий фольга: Although 3003 aluminum foil is not designed for high stress applications, it provides sufficient strength for its intended uses such as packaging and heat exchangers.
Aluminum Sheets: Aluminum sheets are used in applications that require high mechanical strength and load-bearing capacity, such as aerospace, automotive and heavy machinery components.

Surface finish:

3003 Алюминий фольга: Aluminum foil typically has a smooth and glossy surface, making it suitable for applications that require an aesthetic appearance, тамак-аш таңгактоо сыяктуу.
Aluminum Sheets: The surface finish of aluminum sheets may vary depending on the manufacturing process and may not be as smooth as aluminum foil. It is typically used in structural applications where surface finish is less important.

Application comparison of aluminum plate and aluminum foil:
3003 Алюминий фольга: 3003 aluminum foil is commonly used in packaging, household products, insulation materials and heat exchangers. It was chosen for its light weight, formability and barrier properties.
Aluminum Sheet: Aluminum sheet is used in a wide range of structural applications such as aircraft components, automotive components, marine and building materials where strength and durability are critical.


3003 Алюминий фольга: Due to the material’s smaller volume and thinner gauge, aluminum foil is generally more cost-effective per unit area compared to sheet.
Aluminum Sheet: Aluminum Sheet is generally more expensive due to the greater amount of material used and thicker gauge.