What is aluminum foil for wine

Aluminum foil for wine has excellent properties such as moisture-proof, anti-oxidatio, calor velit, et odor velit, quae qualitatem et saporem vini products tueri possit.

In vino packaging, aluminium commune ffoyle includunt aluminium polyester cinematographicum, aluminized polyamide amet, etc.

Aluminium bracteolae vini plerumque crassitudine quadam et viribus, which can withstand the tension and pressure during the packaging process to ensure the safe transportation and storage of wine products.

What standards should be met for the production of aluminum foil for wine

  1. Chemical composition standard: The chemical composition of aluminum foil should meet the relevant national standards, usually requiring that the aluminum content is not less than 99%.
  2. Physical performance standard: The physical performance of aluminum foil includes thickness, vi, elongatio, surface smoothness, etc., which should meet the relevant national standards.
  3. Surface quality standard: There should be no oxidation, oil stains, foreign matter, etc. on the surface of the aluminum foil, and the surface should be smooth and smooth, without cracks, scratches and other defects.
  4. Dimensional accuracy standard: Aluminum foil should meet the dimensional accuracy requirements of relevant national standards.

Aluminum foil alloy parameters for wine

  • High aluminum content: The aluminum content of aluminum foil for wine should be above 99%. The higher the purity, the better the performance of the aluminum foil.
  • Fortitudo modica: Aluminum foil for wine needs to have a certain strength to ensure that it can withstand the strength during the packaging process, and it also needs to be flexible enough to adapt to various packaging forms.
  • Bonum corrosio resistentia: Aluminum foil for wine needs to have good corrosion resistance to prevent wine products from being affected by external environments such as air and moisture, resulting in quality degradation.
  • Good surface treatment: The surface of wine aluminum foil needs to be specially treated to ensure that its surface flatness and surface quality meet the requirements.

Common wine aluminum foil alloy parameters include 8011, 8021, 8079, etc., among which 8011 mixtura is currently one of the most widely used wine aluminum foil alloys.

Quid elige nobis?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. princeps est multorum aluminium opificiorum et victualium in Sinis. Stricte moderamur qualitatem et focus in customers. Speramus in profundissima cooperationem vobiscum habere et vos alta qualitate aluminii materialia productorum consuetudo OEM officia. Si vis ut novissima et optima pretia per kg vel per ton vexillum pondus, placere contactus nos.

Aluminium ffoyle linea productio


  • sarcina: Lignea causa
  • Latin ligneus casus specificationis: Longitudo * Latitudo altitudo = 1.4m* 1.3m*0.8m
  • Cum opus,lignea causa dimensio, ut requiritur, redesigned.
  • Per ligneum casum incrassatum pondus scale: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Animadverte: Nam specialis packaging opus, correspondentes adiciantur.