Aluminum tray foil is an aluminum foil material used to wrap and cover food trays. ແຜ່ນອາລູມິນຽມນີ້ປົກກະຕິແລ້ວມີພື້ນທີ່ໃຫຍ່ກວ່າແລະຄວາມຫນາບາງກວ່າເພື່ອໃຫ້ເຫມາະສົມກັບຂະຫນາດແລະຮູບຮ່າງຂອງຖາດແລະສາມາດທົນທານຕໍ່ອຸນຫະພູມແລະຄວາມຊຸ່ມຊື່ນສູງເພື່ອປົກປ້ອງອາຫານຈາກການປົນເປື້ອນແລະຄວາມເສຍຫາຍ..
ແຜ່ນອາລູມິນຽມສໍາລັບຖາດແມ່ນຖືກນໍາໃຊ້ຢ່າງກວ້າງຂວາງໃນອຸດສາຫະກໍາການບໍລິການອາຫານ, ໂດຍສະເພາະໃນໂຮງແຮມ, ຮ້ານອາຫານ, fast food restaurants, and food delivery industries.
They can be used to cover and wrap various food items, such as roast meat, chicken wings, ຜັກ, ເຂົ້າຈີ່, ແລະອື່ນໆ, to keep them fresh and hot, and to prevent food mixing and external contamination.
ໃນເວລາດຽວກັນ, aluminum foil for trays also has good thermal insulation performance, which can maintain the temperature and taste of food.
Lightweight and easy to carry: Aluminum foil is a lightweight material that can be made into a lightweight tray for easy portability and use.
Good heat preservation performance: aluminum foil has good heat preservation performance, which can effectively maintain the temperature and taste of food.
Pollution prevention: Aluminum foil has good oxygen barrier, moisture barrier and odor barrier properties, which can effectively prevent food from being polluted by contact with the external environment.
Good recyclability: aluminum foil is a material that can be recycled and reused, which is in line with the concept of environmental protection.
Low production cost: The production cost of aluminum foil is relatively low, which can reduce the cost of making trays.
Henan Huawei ອະລູມິນຽມ Co., ຈຳກັດ. ເປັນຜູ້ນໍາຂອງຜູ້ຜະລິດແລະຜູ້ສະຫນອງອາລູມິນຽມຈໍານວນຫຼາຍໃນປະເທດຈີນ. ພວກເຮົາຄວບຄຸມຄຸນນະພາບຢ່າງເຂັ້ມງວດແລະເນັ້ນໃສ່ລູກຄ້າ. ພວກເຮົາຫວັງວ່າຈະມີການຮ່ວມມືໃນຄວາມເລິກກັບທ່ານແລະໃຫ້ທ່ານມີຄຸນນະພາບສູງຜະລິດຕະພັນວັດສະດຸອະລູມິນຽມການບໍລິການ OEM custom. ຖ້າຫາກວ່າທ່ານຕ້ອງການທີ່ຈະໄດ້ຮັບລາຄາໃຫມ່ທີ່ສຸດແລະທີ່ດີທີ່ສຸດໂດຍຕໍ່ກລຫຼືຕໍ່ນ້ໍາມາດຕະຖານໂຕນ, ກະລຸນາຕິດຕໍ່ພວກເຮົາ.