

ແຜ່ນອາລູມິນຽມ is a thin sheet of aluminum metal that has the following properties:

  • ນ້ຳໜັກເບົາ: ແຜ່ນອາລູມິນຽມມີນ້ໍາຫນັກເບົາຫຼາຍເພາະວ່າໂລຫະອາລູມິນຽມຕົວມັນເອງເປັນວັດສະດຸທີ່ມີນ້ໍາຫນັກເບົາ. ນີ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ແຜ່ນອາລູມິນຽມເປັນວັດສະດຸທີ່ເຫມາະສົມໃນລະຫວ່າງການຫຸ້ມຫໍ່ແລະການຂົນສົ່ງ.
  • ການຜະນຶກທີ່ດີ: ດ້ານຂອງແຜ່ນອາລູມິນຽມແມ່ນກ້ຽງຫຼາຍ, ເຊິ່ງປະສິດທິພາບສາມາດປ້ອງກັນການເຈາະຂອງອົກຊີເຈນ, ອາຍນ້ຳ ແລະອາຍແກັສອື່ນໆ, so it can maintain the freshness and quality of food and medicine.
  • ຄວາມຕ້ານທານຕໍ່ການກັດກ່ອນ: Aluminum foil is very corrosion resistant because aluminium metal itself has good corrosion resistance. This makes aluminum foil an ideal material when packaging chemicals and corrosive substances.
  • ການປະພຶດທີ່ດີ: Aluminum foil has good conductivity, so it is widely used in the electronics industry, such as used as electrodes in batteries and capacitors.
  • Good plasticity: aluminum foil is very soft and flexible, and can be easily wrapped around various shapes of items.
  • High recyclability: Aluminum foil can be reused, recycled and reused, so it has less impact on the environment and saves resources.