Taigi, kas yra aliuminio folijos klasė 1235?

1235 Aliuminio lydinio folija is an aluminum alloy material commonly used in the packaging industry. Jis yra toks pat aukštas kaip 99.35% grynas, turi gerą lankstumą ir plastiškumą, taip pat turi gerą elektros ir šilumos laidumą.

Paviršius padengiamas arba dažomas, kad būtų padidintas atsparumas korozijai ir dilimui.

1235 Aliuminio lydinio folija is widely used in food packaging, farmacinė pakuotė, electrical and electronic product packaging and other fields.

1235 lydinio aliuminio folija

1235 lydinio aliuminio folija

1235-0 aliuminio folija

1235-0 aliuminio folija is a soft aluminum foil. The surface of aluminum foil after rolling is very smooth without any deformation and stretching, so it is called “0” valstybė.

1235-0 aluminum foil can also be used as heat insulation material, because its surface is very smooth, which can effectively reflect heat radiation and reduce energy loss.

Alloy composition of aluminum 1235

The main component of 1235 alloy aluminum foil is aluminum, with a purity of more than 99.35%. The content of the remaining components is very low and will not have a significant impact on the performance of the aluminum foil.

The chemical composition of 1235 aluminum foil alloy is as follows:

99.35%0.05% maks0.05% maks0.05% maks0.03% maks

Mechaninės savybės 1235 alloy aluminum

1235 aluminum foil performs well in terms of mechanical properties, the following are its main mechanical properties:

Tempimo stiprumaslow50-100 MPaenough to meet the requirements of the general packaging industry.
Derlumo stiprumaslowbelow 35 MPasoft and easy to process.
Pailgėjimashigh5-30%For the packaging industry, it folds, wraps, and bends with ease.
Kietumaslow18-25HBsoft and easy to process.

Although its tensile strength and yield strength are low, its excellent physical and chemical properties make it widely used in packaging, elektronika, ir kitose srityse.

Fizinės savybės 1235 aliuminio

1. Tankis: 1235 aluminum foil has a density of about 2.7 g/cm³, and because aluminum has a lower density, it is lighter than other common metals.

2. Lankstumas: 1235 aluminum foil is very flexible and can be easily folded, bent and wrapped around items without cracking or breaking. taip, This also makes it ideal for use in the packaging industry.

3. Strength: Although 1235 aluminum foil is very soft, it still has a certain strength. Withstand certain tension and compression force, not easy to deform.

1235 aliuminio

1235 aliuminio

4. Šilumos laidumas: Aluminum is an excellent thermal conductor, taip 1235 aluminum foil has very good thermal conductivity, and can quickly transfer heat to the surface of objects, making it very effective in thermal protection.

5. Laidumas: Aluminum is also an excellent electrical conductor, taip 1235 aluminum foil has good electrical conductivity and is widely used in the field of electrical and electronic products.

6. Atsparumas korozijai: Due to the high purity of aluminum in 1235 aliuminio folija, it has very good corrosion resistance and is not easily oxidized or corroded. This makes it ideal for use in areas such as food packaging and pharmaceutical packaging.

Other alloy type aluminum foil:

1145 lydinio aliuminio folija
1200 lydinio aliuminio folija
3003 lydinio aliuminio folija
8006 lydinio aliuminio folija
8011 lydinio aliuminio folija
8021 lydinio aliuminio folija
8079 lydinio aliuminio folija

Kodėl rinktis mus?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. yra daugelio aliuminio gamintojų ir tiekėjų lyderis Kinijoje. Mes griežtai kontroliuojame kokybę ir orientuojamės į klientus. Tikimės nuodugniai bendradarbiauti su jumis ir suteikti jums aukštos kokybės aliuminio medžiagų gaminių pagal užsakymą OEM paslaugas. Jei norite gauti naujausias ir geriausias kainas už kg arba už toną standartinio svorio, Prašome susisiekti su mumis.

Aliuminio folijos gamybos linija


  • Paketas: Medinis dėklas
  • Standartinė medinio korpuso specifikacija: Ilgis*Plotis*Aukštis=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Kartą prireikė,medinio korpuso matmenys gali būti perdaryti pagal poreikį.
  • Vienai medinei dėžei Bruto svorio skalė: 500-700KG grynasis svoris: 450-650KILOGRAMAS
  • Pastaba: Dėl specialių pakavimo reikalavimų, atitinkamai pridedami atitinkami.