Aliuminio folija turi švarų, higieniška ir blizgi išvaizda. Jis gali būti integruotas su daugeliu kitų pakavimo medžiagų į integruotą pakavimo medžiagą, o aliuminio folijos paviršiaus spausdinimo efektas yra geresnis nei kitų medžiagų. Papildomai, aliuminio folija turi šias charakteristikas:
(1) Aliuminio folijos paviršius itin švarus ir higieniškas, ir jo paviršiuje negali augti bakterijos ar mikroorganizmai.
(2) Aluminum foil is a non-toxic packaging material, which can be in direct contact with food without any hazard to human health.
(3) Aluminum foil is a tasteless and odorless packaging material, which will not cause any peculiar smell to the packaged food.
(4) If the aluminum foil itself is not volatile, it and the packaged food will never dry or shrink.
(5) No matter at high temperature or low temperature, there will be no grease penetration in aluminum foil.
(6) Aluminum foil is an opaque packaging material, so it is a good packaging material for products exposed to sunlight, tokių kaip margarinas.
(7) Aluminum foil has good plasticity, so it can be used to package products of various shapes. Various shapes of containers can also be made arbitrarily.
(8) Aluminum foil has high hardness and high tensile strength, bet jo plyšimo stiprumas mažas, todėl jį lengva suplėšyti.
(9) The aluminum foil itself cannot be heat-sealed, it must be coated with a heatable material, such as pe, to heat-sealing.
(10) When aluminum foil comes into contact with other heavy metals or heavy metals, adverse reactions may occur.