What is Aluminum Foil for Electricians

Electrical aluminum foil is a special type of aluminum foil that is coated with an insulating material and is commonly used in electrical insulation applications.

Tās izolācijas slānis novērš strāvas zudumu no alumīnija folijas virsmas, vienlaikus aizsargājot foliju no ārējās vides.

Šai alumīnija folijai parasti nepieciešama augsta tīrība, viendabīgums, and high electrical conductivity to ensure electrical insulation and current transmission efficiency.

Which alloy types are suitable for electrical aluminum foil

It is necessary to select the appropriate aluminum alloy model and manufacturing process according to the electrical and mechanical requirements of the specific application.

Tajā pašā laikā, the coiling and coating process in the production process of aluminum foil also has an important impact on the performance and quality of aluminum foil for electrical purposes.

Application of Aluminum Foil for Electrician


One of the main materials of electrolytic capacitors.

In an electrolytic capacitor, the aluminum foil acts as an electrode between the positive and negative electrodes and interacts with the electrolyte to produce a capacitive effect.

Transformers and inductors:

Windings of transformers and inductors.

Aluminum foil has good electrical conductivity and formability, and can flexibly adjust the number and shape of winding wires during the winding process to meet different electrical requirements.


The cable shielding layer is used to prevent external electromagnetic interference from affecting the cable signal.

The aluminum foil shielding layer can play the role of electrical isolation and signal transmission in the cable.

Other electrical insulation applications: It can also be used in the manufacture of batteries, electronic components and other applications requiring electrical insulation.

Kāpēc izvēlēties mūs?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., SIA. ir daudzu alumīnija ražotāju un piegādātāju līderis Ķīnā. Mēs stingri kontrolējam kvalitāti un koncentrējamies uz klientiem. Mēs ceram padziļināti sadarboties ar jums un nodrošināt augstas kvalitātes alumīnija materiālu izstrādājumu pielāgotus OEM pakalpojumus. Ja vēlaties iegūt jaunākās un labākās cenas par kg vai tonnu standarta svara, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums.

Alumīnija folijas ražošanas līnija


  • Iepakojums: Koka futrālis
  • Standarta koka korpusa specifikācija: Garums*Platums*Augstums=1,4m*1,3m*0,8m
  • Reiz vajadzēja,koka korpusa izmēru var pārveidot pēc vajadzības.
  • Uz koka korpusa Bruto svara skala: 500-700KG Neto svars: 450-650KG
  • Piezīme: Īpašām iepakojuma prasībām, attiecīgi pievieno atbilstošo.