Ko te pepa konumohe ahumahi ko te ahua o te konumohe konumohe e whakamahia ana i roto i nga mahi ahumahi, i te nuinga o te waa he nui ake, he whanui ake i te pepa konumohe whare noa, a he pai ake mo nga taiao ahumahi kino penei i te wera nui me te pehanga teitei.
He pai te kawe hiko o te pepa konumohe rahi o te ahumahi, te kawe wera, and corrosion resistance.
Unlike household aluminum foil, industrial strength aluminum foil usually needs to meet strict standards and specifications, such as thickness, width, surface treatment, etc., to ensure that it meets specific industrial needs.
Aluminium foil for industrial use
Pepa konumohe parakore: usually made of aluminum with a purity of more than 99.9%. It has good electrical and thermal conductivity and is a commonly used basic material in the fields of power electronics, capacitors, lighting, lithium batteries, and building materials.
The parameters of industrial heavy duty aluminium foil include thickness, width, roll diameter, etc.
Hei tauira, the thickness of general aluminum foil roll industrial can range from 0.006mm to 0.2mm, the width is usually between 200mm and 1800mm, and the roll diameter is usually between 300mm and 800mm.
I tua atu, there are some industrial grade aluminium foil with special needs, such as high temperature, high pressure, parenga waikura, etc., and their parameters will be different.
I tua atu, large aluminium foil roll is also widely used in aerospace, chemical industry, shipbuilding, packaging and printing and other fields, and is a very important industrial material.
thick aluminum foil roll Application
I tua atu, the demand for large aluminum foil roll in India, Russia, Kanata, Ahitereiria, and other countries is also increasing. With the development of the global economy, the demand for industrial aluminium foil rolls will also continue to increase.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ko te rangatira o te maha o nga konumohe hanga me nga kaiwhakarato i Haina. Ka tino whakahaerehia e matou te kounga me te aro ki nga kaihoko. Te ti'aturi nei matou kia hohonu te mahi tahi ki a koe me te whakarato ki a koe nga hua rauemi konumohe kounga teitei nga ratonga OEM. Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te tiki i nga utu hou me te utu pai mo ia kg, mo ia tana taumaha paerewa, tēnā whakapā mai.