Mātotoru: Ko te matotoru o te pepa konumohe ka taea te whakarite kia rite ki te tono motuhake. Hei tauira, he angiangi ake te pepa takai i te pepa kihini.
Rahi: Ka taea te whakarite i te pepa konumohe kia rite ki te rahi e hiahiatia ana, hei tauira, konumohe konumohe mo te tunu kai ka taea te tapahi kia rite ki te rahi o te paepae tunu.
Te maimoatanga mata: Aluminum foil can be subjected to various surface treatments such as coating to make it more durable and prevent oxidation and corrosion.
Alloy composition: Aluminium foil can be made into various alloys to suit different application scenarios. Hei tauira, aluminium foils for high temperature applications are often made of high aluminum alloys.
Shape: Aluminum foil can be made into different shapes, such as rolls, sheets and strips, etc.
Color: Aluminum foil can be colored or dyed to suit different application scenarios and decoration needs.
Special requirements: According to specific application needs, aluminium foil can also be customized, such as providing specific tensile strength or fire resistance.
Ritenga konumohe konumohe
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ko te rangatira o te maha o nga konumohe hanga me nga kaiwhakarato i Haina. Ka tino whakahaerehia e matou te kounga me te aro ki nga kaihoko. Te ti'aturi nei matou kia hohonu te mahi tahi ki a koe me te whakarato ki a koe nga hua rauemi konumohe kounga teitei nga ratonga OEM. Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te tiki i nga utu hou me te utu pai mo ia kg, mo ia tana taumaha paerewa, tēnā whakapā mai.