Ko te pepa konumohe kore rua e pa ana ki te pepa konumohe me te matotoru kei waenganui i te 0.001mm ( 1 micron ) me te 0.01mm ( 10 micron ).

Pērā i te 0.001mm ( 1 micron ), 0.002mm ( 2 micron ), 0.003mm ( 3 micron ), 0.004mm ( 4 micron ), 0.005mm ( 5 micron ), 0.006mm ( 6 micron ), 0.007mm ( 7 micron ), 0.008mm ( 8 micron ), 0.009mm ( 9 micron )

0.005 mic konumohe konumohe

0.005 mic konumohe konumohe

Advantages of 0.001-0.01 pepa konumohe micron

  1. Anti-corrosion: This thinner foil offers better resistance to chemicals and oxidation, which prevents products such as food or pharmaceuticals from corroding.
  2. He pai te hiri: aluminum foil can be completely sealed, so that the wrapped items will not be affected by external pollution and oxidation, and maintain the freshness and quality of the product.
  3. Maamaa: Thinner aluminum foil is lighter and easier to carry and use than thick aluminum foil.
  4. Energy saving: The thinner aluminum foil is relatively cheap to manufacture and requires less energy to produce, thus saving energy.
  5. Te tukurua: Aluminum foil can be recycled and reused to reduce waste and resource consumption and contribute to environmental protection.

Te tono o 0.001-0.01 pepa konumohe micron

  • tākai kai
  • Medicine package
  • tākai whakapaipai
  • electronic product
  • decoration and art

Te tono o 0.001-0.01 pepa konumohe micron

Te tono o 0.001-0.01 pepa konumohe micron

He aha tatou i whiriwhiri ai?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ko te rangatira o te maha o nga konumohe hanga me nga kaiwhakarato i Haina. Ka tino whakahaerehia e matou te kounga me te aro ki nga kaihoko. Te ti'aturi nei matou kia hohonu te mahi tahi ki a koe me te whakarato ki a koe nga hua rauemi konumohe kounga teitei nga ratonga OEM. Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te tiki i nga utu hou me te utu pai mo ia kg, mo ia tana taumaha paerewa, tēnā whakapā mai.

Raina hanga pepa konumohe


  • Mōkī: Puhi rakau
  • Whakatakotoranga take Rakau Paerewa: Roa*WdW*Tight=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Kia hiahiatia,Ko te rahi o te keehi rakau ka taea te hoahoa ano ina hiahiatia.
  • Ia kete rakau Tauine Taumaha Kere: 500-700KG Taumaha Net: 450-650KG
  • Korero: Mo nga whakaritenga takai motuhake, ko nga mea e rite ana me taapiri atu.