Ko te pepa konumohe kore kotahi e pa ana ki te pepa konumohe me te matotoru kei waenga i te 0.01mm ( 10 micron ) me te 0.1mm ( 100 micron ).

  • 0.01mm ( 10 micron ), 0.011mm ( 11 micron ), 0.012mm ( 12 micron ), 0.13mm ( 13 micron ), 0.14mm ( 14 micron ), 0.15mm ( 15 micron ), 0.16mm ( 16 micron ), 0.17mm ( 17 micron ), 0.18mm ( 18 micron ), 0.19mm ( 19 micron )
  • 0.02mm ( 20 micron ), 0.021mm ( 21 micron ), 0.022mm ( 22 micron ), 0.023mm ( 23 micron ), 0.024mm ( 24 micron ), 0.025mm ( 25 micron ), 0.026mm ( 26 micron ), 0.027mm ( 27 micron ), 0.028mm ( 28 micron ), 0.029mm ( 29 micron )
  • 0.03mm ( 30 micron ), 0.031mm ( 31 micron ), 0.032mm ( 32 micron ), 0.033mm ( 33 micron ), 0.034mm ( 34 micron ), 0.035mm ( 35 micron ), 0.036mm ( 36 micron ), 0.037mm ( 37 micron ), 0.038mm ( 38 micron ), 0.039mm ( 39 micron )
  • 0.04mm ( 40 micron ), 0.041mm ( 41 micron ), 0.042mm ( 42 micron ), 0.043mm ( 43 micron ), 0.044mm ( 44 micron ), 0.045mm ( 45 micron ), 0.046mm ( 46 micron ), 0.047mm ( 47 micron ), 0.048mm ( 48 micron ), 0.049mm ( 49 micron )
  • 0.05mm ( 50 micron ), 0.051mm ( 51 micron ), 0.052mm ( 52 micron ), 0.053mm ( 53 micron ), 0.054mm ( 54 micron ), 0.055mm ( 55 micron ), 0.056mm ( 56 micron ), 0.057mm ( 57 micron ), 0.058mm ( 58 micron ), 0.059mm ( 59 micron )
  • 0.06mm ( 60 micron ), 0.061mm ( 61 micron ), 0.062mm ( 62 micron ), 0.063mm ( 63 micron ), 0.064mm ( 64 micron ), 0.065mm ( 65 micron ), 0.066mm ( 66 micron ), 0.067mm ( 67 micron ), 0.068mm ( 68 micron ), 0.069mm ( 69 micron )
  • 0.07mm ( 70 micron ), 0.071mm ( 71 micron ), 0.072mm ( 72 micron ), 0.073mm ( 73 micron ), 0.074mm ( 74 micron ), 0.075mm ( 75 micron ), 0.076mm ( 76 micron ), 0.077mm ( 77 micron ), 0.078mm ( 78 micron ), 0.079mm ( 79 micron )
  • 0.08mm ( 80 micron ), 0.081mm ( 81 micron ), 0.082mm ( 82 micron ), 0.083mm ( 83 micron ), 0.084mm ( 84 micron ), 0.085mm ( 85 micron ), 0.086mm ( 86 micron ), 0.087mm ( 87 micron ), 0.088mm ( 88 micron ), 0.089mm ( 89 micron )
  • 0.09mm ( 90 micron ), 0.091mm ( 91 micron ), 0.092mm ( 92 micron ), 0.093mm ( 93 micron ), 0.094mm ( 94 micron ), 0.095mm ( 95 micron ), 0.096mm ( 96 micron ), 0.097mm ( 97 micron ), 0.098mm ( 98 micron ), 0.099mm ( 99 micron )

Aluminum Foil Supplier From China

Aluminum Foil Supplier From China

Advantages of 0.01-0.1 pepa konumohe micron

  1. Higher strength: Compared with thinner aluminum foil, 0.01-0.1 micron aluminum foil has higher strength and can better protect the packaging.
  2. Better plasticity: This thickness of aluminum foil can better adapt to the shape of the package, making the package more compact and firm.
  3. Better leak resistance: The greater thickness of the aluminum foil can better resist gas and liquid leakage inside the package, thereby ensuring the safety of the package.
  4. Better heat insulation: Compared with thinner aluminum foil, 0.01-0.1 micron aluminum foil has better heat insulation, which can better protect the package from temperature fluctuations.
  5. Better printability: Thicker aluminum foil can carry printing better, making the logo, text, and pattern on the package clearer and more beautiful.

Te tono o 0.01-0.1 pepa konumohe micron

  • tākai kai
  • Pharmaceutical packaging
  • taonga hanga
  • Automotive and Aerospace
  • electrical and electronic

Single zero aluminum foil specification

KohangaTe ririMātotoruWhānuiTe roaTaupānga
Single zero aluminumO,H14,H16,H18,H19,H22,H240.018-0.5300-1600800-3000Te pepa rongoa, tape foil, lunch box materials, food packaging foil, etc.

He aha tatou i whiriwhiri ai?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ko te rangatira o te maha o nga konumohe hanga me nga kaiwhakarato i Haina. Ka tino whakahaerehia e matou te kounga me te aro ki nga kaihoko. Te ti'aturi nei matou kia hohonu te mahi tahi ki a koe me te whakarato ki a koe nga hua rauemi konumohe kounga teitei nga ratonga OEM. Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te tiki i nga utu hou me te utu pai mo ia kg, mo ia tana taumaha paerewa, tēnā whakapā mai.

Raina hanga pepa konumohe


  • Mōkī: Puhi rakau
  • Whakatakotoranga take Rakau Paerewa: Roa*WdW*Tight=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Kia hiahiatia,Ko te rahi o te keehi rakau ka taea te hoahoa ano ina hiahiatia.
  • Ia kete rakau Tauine Taumaha Kere: 500-700KG Taumaha Net: 450-650KG
  • Korero: Mo nga whakaritenga takai motuhake, ko nga mea e rite ana me taapiri atu.