Ko nga huarahi hei aukati i te konumohe konumohe i te whakaheke

Ko nga huarahi hei aukati i te konumohe konumohe i te whakaheke

Ko te parahanga whakaheke te nuinga ka kitea i runga i te mata o te pepa konumohe i roto 0 āhua. I muri i te whakahianga o te pepa konumohe, ka whakamatauria e te tikanga paraihe wai, a kaore e eke ki te taumata kua tohua i roto i te whakamatautau paraihe wai.

Ko te pepa konumohe e hiahia ana ki te whakamatautau horoi wai ka whakamahia te nuinga mo te taa, hiato ki etahi atu rauemi, etc. No reira, the surface of the aluminum foil must be degreasing clean and reach the level specified by the water-washing test.

The main reasons for unclean degreasing: excessive oil on the surface of the aluminum box; excessive slitting tension; unreasonable annealing process.