Лента од алуминиумска фолија е лента базирана на алуминиумска фолија, која е поделена на еднострана лента и двострана лента; може да се подели и на проводна лента и непроводна лента; проводната лента, исто така, може да се подели на еднонасочна проводна лента и анизотропна проводна лента; It is divided into ordinary aluminum foil tape and high-temperature resistant aluminum foil tape; according to the thickness, it is divided into ordinary thin, ordinary, thick and so on.
1. Repair damage: Aluminum foil tape is a composite material, which has the function of repairing seams. На пример, if a certain part of the line of a refrigerator or air conditioner is broken, it can also be repaired with aluminum foil tape. 2. Anti-radiation: Aluminum foil tape has an anti-radiation effect, so it is widely used in electronic products, such as mobile phones, computers, photocopiers, and so on. 3. Packing of gas pipelines: If there is a hole in a gas pipeline somewhere, then you can use aluminum foil tape to wrap the gas pipeline, so that the gas pipeline can be reused without dangerous failures, итн. When it is broken again, it can be repaired with aluminum foil tape, which can also prevent the aging of the gas pipeline. 4. Prevent temperature emission: The aluminum foil tape can also wrap the steam pipe, which can not only prevent the aging phenomenon of the steam pipe but also prevent the heat of the steam pipe from emitting.
1235 алуминиумска фолија: Содржината на алуминиум на 1235 aluminum foil is not less than 99.35%. It has excellent anti-rust properties, формабилност, и заварливост, and can be very suitable for aluminum foil tapes.
8011 алуминиумска фолија: 8011 aluminum foil mainly adds elements such as Fe and Si. It has a clean surface, uniform color, and no spots or holes. Aluminum foil after lamination, печатење, and glue is widely used as packaging materials.
Similar to the common transparent tape, the aluminum foil tape has a very high viscosity and can be used as a medium for the gap connection of aluminum products to play a good connection role. Во исто време, the aluminum foil tape has relatively strong deformability. For stainless steel products, you can use scissors to suggest that the size of the part is just enough to cover the holes, clean it from the inside, and paste it evenly.
Хенан Хуавеи Алуминиум Ко., Ltd. е лидер на многу производители и добавувачи на алуминиум во Кина. Ние строго го контролираме квалитетот и се фокусираме на клиентите. Се надеваме дека ќе имаме длабинска соработка со вас и ќе ви обезбедиме висококвалитетни производи од алуминиумски материјали прилагодени OEM услуги. Ако сакате да ги добиете најновите и најдобри цени по кг или по тон стандардна тежина, ве молиме контактирајте со нас.