Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Roll Introduction

Добредојдовте во Huawei Алуминиум, вашиот доверлив партнер во светот на решенијата за алуминиумска фолија. Како водечка фабрика и продавач на големо, ние се гордееме што нудиме врвни ролни со мека темпераментна алуминиумска фолија кои се грижат за различни индустрии и апликации. Со посветеност на квалитет и извонредност, Huawei Aluminum stands as a beacon of reliability in the aluminum foil manufacturing industry.


About Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Roll

What is Soft Temper?

Soft temper aluminum foil is a versatile material known for its flexibility and conformity. This type of foil is annealed, making it pliable and easy to work with. Soft temper aluminum foil is suitable for a variety of applications, вклучувајќи го и пакувањето, готвење, изолација, и повеќе.

Advantages of Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Roll:

  1. Флексибилност: Soft temper foil can be easily bent, shaped, and wrapped around objects.
  2. Conformity: It molds to the shape of the items it covers, providing a secure and tight seal.
  3. Heat Resistance: Soft temper foil withstands high temperatures, making it ideal for cooking and baking.
  4. Својства на бариера: It offers excellent barrier properties against moisture, светлина, и загадувачи.
  5. Versatility: Soft temper foil is used in various industries, from food packaging to pharmaceuticals.

Our Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Roll Products

Во Huawei Алуминиум, we offer a wide range of Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Rolls, each designed to meet specific industry requirements. Our foil rolls are manufactured using state-of-the-art technology and adhere to the highest quality standards. Подолу, you’ll find a detailed list of our Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Roll products, along with their alloy models and specifications:

Alloy ModelДебелина (мм)Ширина (мм)ТемпераментАпликација
AA80110.008-0.2200-1600ОFood Container
AA80790.006-0.2200-1600ОPharmaceutical Packaging
AA11000.006-0.2200-1600ОHousehold Foil

These are just a few examples of the Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Rolls we offer. For a complete list of our products and their specifications, please refer to our product catalog.

Quality Assurance

Во Huawei Алуминиум, quality is our top priority. Our manufacturing processes are guided by stringent quality control measures to ensure that every Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Roll that leaves our factory is of the highest quality. We use advanced testing equipment to check for thickness, tensile strength, издолжување, and other critical parameters.



Our Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Rolls find applications across various industries:

  1. Пакување: Soft temper foil is widely used for packaging food, фармацевтски производи, and other perishable goods.
  2. Cooking and Baking: It is a preferred material for cooking and baking due to its heat resistance and non-toxic nature.
  3. Изолација: Soft temper foil is used in the construction industry for insulation purposes.
  4. Pharmaceuticals: It is a reliable choice for pharmaceutical packaging, ensuring product safety and integrity.
  5. Household Use: Soft temper foil is commonly used for everyday tasks such as wrapping, covering, и складирање на храна.

Environmental Sustainability

Во Huawei Алуминиум, we are committed to environmental sustainability. Our manufacturing processes prioritize eco-friendly practices, and our Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Rolls are fully recyclable. We actively seek ways to minimize our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.


Customer Support

Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the quality of our products. Huawei Aluminum provides excellent customer support, ensuring that your needs are met promptly and efficiently. Whether you have questions about our products or need assistance with an order, our team is ready to assist you.


In the world of Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Rolls, Huawei Aluminum stands as a symbol of reliability, quality, and innovation. With a diverse range of products designed to meet the needs of various industries, we are your go-to partner for all things aluminum foil. Explore our product catalog, and experience the excellence that defines Huawei Aluminum.

Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and discover why Huawei Aluminum is the preferred choice for Soft Temper Jumbo Aluminum Foil Rolls. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Зошто да не одберете нас?

Хенан Хуавеи Алуминиум Ко., Ltd. е лидер на многу производители и добавувачи на алуминиум во Кина. Ние строго го контролираме квалитетот и се фокусираме на клиентите. Се надеваме дека ќе имаме длабинска соработка со вас и ќе ви обезбедиме висококвалитетни производи од алуминиумски материјали прилагодени OEM услуги. Ако сакате да ги добиете најновите и најдобри цени по кг или по тон стандардна тежина, ве молиме контактирајте со нас.

Линија за производство на алуминиумска фолија


  • Пакет: Дрвена футрола
  • Стандардна спецификација за дрвени куќишта: Должина*Ширина*Висина=1,4м*1,3м*0,8м
  • Еднаш потребно,Димензијата на дрвеното куќиште може да се редизајнира по потреба.
  • По дрвена кутија вага за бруто тежина: 500-700KG нето тежина: 450-650КГ
  • Забелешка: За посебни барања за пакување, соодветно се додаваат соодветните.