Adakah anda tahu ketumpatan aluminium foil?

Adakah anda tahu ketumpatan aluminium foil?

Berapakah ketumpatan aloi aluminium foil?

Kerajang aluminium ialah bahan pengecap panas yang digulung terus ke dalam kepingan aluminium logam. Kerana kesan setem panas kerajang aluminium adalah serupa dengan kerajang perak tulen, kerajang aluminium juga dipanggil kerajang perak palsu. Kerajang aluminium lembut, mudah dibentuk, dan mempunyai kilauan putih keperakan. Ia juga mempunyai tekstur yang lebih ringan, thanks to the lower density of aluminum foil.

Aluminum foil has various alloy specifications. Is the density of aluminum foil the same among different alloys?
Common aluminum foil alloy models include:

1000 kerajang aloi aluminium siri1050,1060,1070,1100,1200,1235,1350
3000 kerajang aloi aluminium siri3003,3004,3105
5000 kerajang aloi aluminium siri5005,5052,5083
8000 kerajang aloi aluminium siri8011,8021,8079

The 1000, 3000, 5000 dan 8000 series of aluminum foils have many differences in chemical elements, so the density will also be different.
The following table shows the density of different aluminum alloy foils.

Aluminum Foil AlloyKetumpatan (g/cm³)Ketumpatan (kg/m³)
1050 foil density2.712711
1060 foil density2.712711
1070 foil density2.712711
1100 foil density2.712711
1200 foil density2.712711
1235 foil density2.712711
1350 foil density2.702700
3003 foil density2.732730
3004 foil density2.732730
3105 foil density2.732730
5005 foil density2.682680
5052 foil density2.682680
5083 foil density2.682680
8011 foil density2.712711
8021 foil density2.712711
8079 foil density2.712711

Advantages of low density aluminum foil

Low-density aluminum foil, such as that made from alloy 1235 atau 1350, offers several advantages:
The low density of aluminum foil brings lightness to aluminum foil, so aluminum foil also has many advantages in various applications.

Ringan: Low-density aluminum foil is lightweight and easy to handle and transport. This feature is particularly useful in packaging applications, where minimizing weight can reduce shipping costs and increase efficiency. Sebagai contoh, aluminum foil is used for food packaging and pharmaceutical packaging.

Cost Effectiveness: Because aluminum foil is less dense, less material is needed to achieve the same coverage or thickness than higher density foils. This can result in cost savings, especially in large-scale production and packaging operations.

Good Flexibility: Low-density aluminum foil is highly flexible and conformable, allowing the aluminum foil to easily wrap objects with irregular shapes or contours. This flexibility makes aluminum foil ideal for packaging applications where the foil needs to adhere closely to the contents, provide protection and maintain freshness.

Good insulation: Although low-density aluminum foil is lightweight, it still has excellent thermal insulation properties. It reflects heat effectively, making it suitable for applications such as building insulation, HVAC systems and thermal packaging.

Strong barrier properties: Low-density aluminum foil can effectively block moisture, gas, light and odor, helping to maintain the quality and freshness of packaged products. This makes it suitable for a wide range of packaging applications, including food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Perlindungan alam sekitar: As a recyclable material, aluminum foil’s low density makes the recycling process more efficient. Recycling aluminum foil not only reduces the amount of landfill waste, but also reduces energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to sustainable development.

The advantages of low-density aluminum foil make it a versatile and cost-effective material for a variety of packaging, insulation and thermal management applications.