Aluminum foil for coffee capsules generally refers to small capsules used to package single-serve coffee, li huma mimlija bil-kafè mitħun magħżul għall-freskezza u l-konvenjenza.
Din il-kapsula hija ġeneralment magħmula minn fojl tal-aluminju, minħabba li l-fojl tal-aluminju huwa materjal b'barriera tajba għall-ossiġnu u reżistenza għall-umdità, li jistgħu jipprevjenu t-trab tal-kafè mill-umdità, oxidation and oxidative deterioration.
Barra minn hekk, the aluminum foil material also has good thermal conductivity, which can conduct heat quickly, so that the coffee is evenly heated in the coffee machine, so as to make coffee with a strong mouthfeel and aroma.
Fojl tal-aluminju għall-kapsula tal-kafè
Aluminum foil for coffee capsules is generally made of aluminum alloys such as 3003 u 8011.
3003 aluminum alloy has good rust and corrosion resistance, and also has good formability, which can meet the requirements of capsule manufacturing.
8011 liga tal-aluminju has better high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, which can meet the requirements of the coffee capsule in the high temperature environment of the coffee machine.
Barra minn hekk, these aluminum alloys also have good processability and plasticity, and can be easily processed by pressing, deep drawing and forming, so as to manufacture aluminum foil for coffee capsules with high precision, high strength and high airtightness.
Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. huwa l-mexxej ta 'ħafna manifatturi u fornituri tal-aluminju fiċ-Ċina. Aħna nikkontrollaw b'mod strett il-kwalità u niffukaw fuq il-klijenti. Nittamaw li jkollna kooperazzjoni fil-fond miegħek u nipprovdulek prodotti ta 'materjal ta' aluminju ta 'kwalità għolja servizzi OEM tad-dwana. Jekk trid tikseb l-aktar prezzijiet ġodda u aħjar b'piż standard għal kull kg jew għal kull tunnellata, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana.