Parameters of aluminum foil for hairdressing

Tul:3m-300mWisa':Custom Size Accepted
Color:CustomersRequestTreatment:Stampat, Embossed
Use:hair dressingProduction:Fojls Salon tax-xagħar, Hair Dressing Foil

Main features and advantages of hairdressing foil:

  • It is suitable for bleaching and dyeing hair in various hairdressing industries
  • Perfect color, colorfast, bright, and even
  • Thin, flexible material with strength
  • It can be rolled or flaked
  • Can be embossed or printed in different forms and colors
  • Leakproof, reżistenti għall-korrużjoni, high temperature resistant
  • Environmental protection, easy to recycle

Advantages: You can see the progress of hair color directly without removing the aluminum foil, which is more convenient to use. It can be produced in rolls or sheets.

The production process of hairdressing foil

Application of aluminum foil for hairdressing

Application of aluminum foil for hairdressing

Aluminum foil for hairdressing specification

LigaTemperĦxunaCore inner diameterMaximum outer roll diameterKonduttivitàSaħħa tat-tensjoni (N/mm²)
8011 Fojl tal-aluminju għall-parrukkiera8011-o0.01-0.025mm76mm500mm35.4m/Ω.mm²55-95
1235 Fojl tal-aluminju għall-parrukkiera1235-o0.01-0.025mm76mm 500mm35.4m/Ω.mm²55-95

Hairdressing aluminum foil suppliers

Huawei Aluminum Foil Factory Aluminum foil for beauty and hair salon surface quality:

1. There are no roller marks, bright spots, black lines, creases, or twills on the surface of the aluminum foil.

2. The surface of the aluminum foil is clean and the shape is flat.

3. There are no corrosion marks, oil stains, wrinkles or seams on the surface of the aluminum foil.

4. There are no yellow oil spots formed after burning lubricating oil on the surface of the aluminum foil.

Għaliex tagħżel lilna?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. huwa l-mexxej ta 'ħafna manifatturi u fornituri tal-aluminju fiċ-Ċina. Aħna nikkontrollaw b'mod strett il-kwalità u niffukaw fuq il-klijenti. Nittamaw li jkollna kooperazzjoni fil-fond miegħek u nipprovdulek prodotti ta 'materjal ta' aluminju ta 'kwalità għolja servizzi OEM tad-dwana. Jekk trid tikseb l-aktar prezzijiet ġodda u aħjar b'piż standard għal kull kg jew għal kull tunnellata, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana.

Linja ta 'produzzjoni tal-fojl tal-aluminju


  • Pakkett: Kaxxa tal-injam
  • Speċifikazzjoni standard tal-każ tal-injam: Tul * Wisa ' * Għoli = 1.4m * 1.3m * 0.8m
  • Ladarba meħtieġ,id-dimensjoni tal-kaxxa tal-injam tista 'tiġi ddisinjata mill-ġdid kif meħtieġ.
  • Għal kull każ tal-injam Skala tal-Piż Gross: 500-700KG Piż Nett: 450-650KG
  • Rimarka: Għal rekwiżiti speċjali ta 'ppakkjar, korrispondenti għandhom jiġu miżjuda kif xieraq.