Aluminum foil bags are also called aluminum foil bags or aluminum foil packaging bags. Minħabba li l-fojl tal-aluminju għandu proprjetajiet ta 'barriera eċċellenti u kapaċitajiet protettivi, huwa użat ħafna biex jippakkja varjetà ta 'prodotti. Dawn il-boroż tal-fojl huma komunement użati biex jippreservaw il-freskezza, togħma u kwalità tal-ikel, farmaċewtiċi, kimiċi u oġġetti sensittivi oħra.
Liga: 8011,8021
Ħxuna: 0.006mm – 0.009mm
Wisa': 500mm – 1600mm
Outer: Polyester (PET) for strength and durability.
Middle layer: fojl tal-aluminju, used for moisture-proof, light-proof and oxygen-proof.
Inner layer: Polietilene (PE)
Aluminum foil bags can be seen from the name, aluminum foil bags are not plastic bags, and can even be said to be better than ordinary plastic bags. When you want to refrigerate or pack food now, and you want to keep the food as fresh as possible, which packaging bag should you choose? Don’t worry about which packaging bag to choose, aluminum foil bag is the best choice.
Common aluminum foil bags generally have anti-gloss characteristics on their surface, which means that they do not absorb light and are made in multiple layers. Għalhekk, aluminum foil paper has both good shading properties and strong insulation. The composition of aluminum is inside, so it also has good oil resistance and softness.
Now, as the manufacture and sale of counterfeit products continue to be exposed, especially the safety accidents of plastic bags, people’s primary concern is not the function of the packaging bag, but its safety. Madankollu, consumers can rest assured that aluminum foil bags are non-toxic and have no special smell. It is definitely a green product, an environmentally friendly product, and an aluminum foil bag that also meets the national hygiene standards.
Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. huwa l-mexxej ta 'ħafna manifatturi u fornituri tal-aluminju fiċ-Ċina. Aħna nikkontrollaw b'mod strett il-kwalità u niffukaw fuq il-klijenti. Nittamaw li jkollna kooperazzjoni fil-fond miegħek u nipprovdulek prodotti ta 'materjal ta' aluminju ta 'kwalità għolja servizzi OEM tad-dwana. Jekk trid tikseb l-aktar prezzijiet ġodda u aħjar b'piż standard għal kull kg jew għal kull tunnellata, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana.