għaliex fojl tal-aluminju jintuża biex ikebbeb iċ-ċikkulata?

Il-fojl tal-aluminju kif jipproteġi ċ-ċikkulata?

Sibna li kemm ġewwa kif ukoll barra taċ-ċikkulata għandu jkollhom id-dell tal-fojl tal-aluminju!

One is that chocolate is easy to melt and lose weight, għalhekk iċ-ċikkulata teħtieġ imballaġġ li jista 'jiżgura li l-piż tagħha ma jitlifx, u fojl tal-aluminju jistgħu effettivament jiżguraw li l-wiċċ tiegħu ma jiddewweb;

The second is the characteristics of moisture-proof and light-proof;

The third is the function of heat preservation and heat.

Folja tal-fojl tal-aluminju għall-ippakkjar taċ-ċikkulata

Folja tal-fojl tal-aluminju għall-ippakkjar taċ-ċikkulata

Aluminum foil sheet for chocolate packaging parameter reference

Standard thickness: 12 mic
Daqs: 8×8 ċm, 9×9 ċm, 10×10 ċm, 12×12 ċm, 15×15 ċm, 20×20 ċm ( customized )
Color: fidda, deheb, aħmar, purple, pink, blu, gree, brown, rose red etc
Trattament tal-wiċċ: bla xkiel, fine grille, orange peel pattern

It can be used for packing and wrapping handicraft products. Suitable for multifarious candies, such as confections, ċikkulata, sweets, dessert, tea leaves etc

Features of chocolate wrapping aluminum foil

  1. Strong air barrier performance, kontra l-ossidazzjoni, waterproof and moisture-proof.
  2. Strong mechanical properties, high blast resistance, strong puncture and tear resistance.
  3. Reżistenza għat-temperatura għolja (121°C), low temperature resistance (50°C), oil resistance, and good fragrance retention.
  4. Non-toxic and tasteless, in line with food and drug packaging hygienic standards.
  5. Good hot air performance, softness and high barrier performance.

Equivalent name for chocolate aluminium foil

aluminium foil for chocolatealuminium foil for chocolate wrapping
aluminium foil to wrap chocolatealuminium foil wrap for chocolate
aluminium foil wrapped chocolatechocolate aluminium wrapping foil

Why choose aluminum foil packaging chocolate?

Chocolate is a popular food. Have you ever noticed that most chocolate packaging is made of aluminum foil? Aluminum foil packaging has become a popular choice for packaging chocolate. Why is medicinal aluminum foil used as a packaging material?

1. Aluminum foil is moisture-proof and oxygen-proof: Aluminum foil is an excellent barrier against moisture and oxygen. Aluminum foil helps keep chocolate fresh and prevents it from deteriorating.

2. Aluminum foil retains flavor and aroma: Chocolate is very sensitive to odors and can absorb unwanted flavors from the surrounding environment. Aluminum foil packaging helps protect the flavor and aroma of the chocolate by preventing external odors from penetrating into the packaging.

3. Aluminum foil can provide light protection: Aluminum foil is an effective light barrier. It prevents the chocolate from being exposed to natural and artificial light, which can cause the chocolate to melt or discolor.

4. Temperature resistance: Aluminum foil can withstand a wide temperature range and is suitable for the storage and transportation of chocolate products. It helps maintain the structural integrity of the chocolate.

5. Easy to use: Aluminum foil is easy to use during the packaging process.

6. Riċiklabbiltà: Aluminum foil is highly recyclable, which is in line with sustainable development goals. It can be recycled multiple times without losing its quality, making it an environmentally friendly packaging choice if disposed of and recycled correctly.

7. Customization: Aluminum foil can be easily printed or embossed with branding and decorative designs. This allows chocolate manufacturers to create attractive brand packaging, thereby increasing product visibility and marketability.

8. Long shelf life: The protective properties of aluminum foil help extend the shelf life of chocolate products.

9. Hygiene and safety: Aluminum foil is a hygienic and safe packaging material, suitable for chocolate and other foods. Guaranteed the purity and safety of chocolate.

Għaliex tagħżel lilna?

Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd. huwa l-mexxej ta 'ħafna manifatturi u fornituri tal-aluminju fiċ-Ċina. Aħna nikkontrollaw b'mod strett il-kwalità u niffukaw fuq il-klijenti. Nittamaw li jkollna kooperazzjoni fil-fond miegħek u nipprovdulek prodotti ta 'materjal ta' aluminju ta 'kwalità għolja servizzi OEM tad-dwana. Jekk trid tikseb l-aktar prezzijiet ġodda u aħjar b'piż standard għal kull kg jew għal kull tunnellata, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana.

Linja ta 'produzzjoni tal-fojl tal-aluminju


  • Pakkett: Kaxxa tal-injam
  • Speċifikazzjoni standard tal-każ tal-injam: Tul * Wisa ' * Għoli = 1.4m * 1.3m * 0.8m
  • Ladarba meħtieġ,id-dimensjoni tal-kaxxa tal-injam tista 'tiġi ddisinjata mill-ġdid kif meħtieġ.
  • Għal kull każ tal-injam Skala tal-Piż Gross: 500-700KG Piż Nett: 450-650KG
  • Rimarka: Għal rekwiżiti speċjali ta 'ppakkjar, korrispondenti għandhom jiġu miżjuda kif xieraq.