L-akbar karatteristika tal-fojl tal-aluminju huwa l-piż ħafif tiegħu u l-firxa wiesgħa ta 'użi, adattat għall-avjazzjoni, kostruzzjoni, dekorazzjoni, industrija u industriji oħra. L-aluminju huwa kost-effettiv ħafna, u l-konduttività elettrika tagħha hija t-tieni biss għal dik tar-ram, iżda l-prezz huwa ferm irħas minn dak tar-ram, tant nies issa jagħżlu l-aluminju bħala l-materjal ewlieni għall-wajers.
1060, 3003, 5052 are several commonly used aluminum foils, which are widely used in thermal insulation materials, decoration materials, molds and other industries. Different aluminum foils have different temper s and process properties. Now let’s introduce the meaning and difference of the common temper s H18, H24 and H32 in the aluminum foil.
H in the above temper refers to work hardening to improve the strength of the aluminum foil, and the two Arabic numerals after H are added (called HXX state). The 1st digit after the H represents the basic handler that gets the temper,
The temper of the aluminum foil is different and the performance is also different.
1. Machinability: Aluminum has excellent machinability. In deformed aluminum alloys and cast aluminum alloys, the machinability changes considerably in various tempers after production.
2. Formabilità: The specific tensile strength, yield strength, ductility and corresponding work hardening rate govern the change in allowable deformation.
3. Forgeability: Aluminum alloys can be forged into a wide variety of shapes and forgings. Linking Aluminum can be joined by a variety of methods, including welding, resistance welding, brazing, soldering, bonding, and mechanical methods such as riveting and bolting.
4. Riċiklabbiltà: Aluminum has extremely high recyclability, and the characteristics of recycled aluminum are almost the same as those of primary aluminum.