Qatt kilt ħut grilled jew sitta u sittin, u trid tkun rajt dan il-fojl tal-landa, imma rajt din il-ħaġa użata fi spazji ta 'ġewwa?
That’s right it’s called decorative foil (fojl dekorattiv tal-landa). Ġeneralment, jista 'jintuża fuq il-ħitan, kabinetti ta 'fuq, jew installazzjonijiet tal-arti.
Fojl tal-aluminju (karta tal-landa) jistgħu jiġu magħġuna minn tikmix, li jirriżulta f'tessut riflessiv uniku ħafna u astratt, and the appearance and grade will come up immediately. Fl-istess ħin, decorative aluminum foil (fojl dekorattiv tal-landa) itself has the material characteristics of thermal insulation, good waterproof performance, u prestazzjoni qawwija tas-siġillar. Barra minn hekk, it can be matched with various materials and lights to create more diverse levels.
Per eżempju, the design of this retail store, the combination of aluminum foil (fojl tal-landa) and Ou Song version, has both layers and a sense of rhythm.
Looking at this case again, it can also be combined with changeable lighting, different lighting colors, and the reflection effect of aluminum foil (tinfoil) to create a dreamy feeling of cyberpunk style.
In this case, decorative aluminum foil (fojl dekorattiv tal-landa) is used on the background wall and cabinet, which highlights the texture of its own folds and becomes the visual focus of the space.