1. फराकिलो नमी-प्रूफ वाटरप्रूफ: Aluminum foil tape has the performance of moisture-proof, वाटरप्रूफ, ओक्सीकरण, आदि, जसले टाँस्ने वस्तुहरूलाई प्रभावकारी रूपमा जोगाउन सक्छ र तिनीहरूलाई ओसिलो र पानी वाष्पबाट क्षय हुनबाट रोक्न सक्छ।.
2. Inidity इन्सुलेशन: एल्युमिनियम पन्नी टेप राम्रो थर्मल इन्सुलेशन प्रदर्शन छ, प्रभावकारी रूपमा गर्मी प्रसारण रोक्न सक्छ र पाइपलाइन को थर्मल इन्सुलेशन लागि उपयुक्त छ, air conditioners, refrigerators, cars, trains, and other equipment.
3. Easy to use: Aluminum foil tape has a high viscosity, can firmly bond the adhesive items and is easy to tear, which can be used easily and quickly.
4. High-temperature resistance: Aluminum foil tape has high high-temperature resistance, can withstand the use of high-temperature environments and is suitable for some occasions that require high-temperature resistance.
5. Beautiful and generous: aluminum foil tape has a bright color, good texture, and metallic luster, which is also welcomed in the field of home decoration, and car beauty.