Jednorazowe pudełko na lunch z folii aluminiowej ma doskonałą odporność na olej i wodę, a po wyrzuceniu można je łatwo poddać recyklingowi. Tego rodzaju opakowanie umożliwia szybkie podgrzanie żywności i zachowanie jej świeżego smaku.
1. Wykonanie zastawy stołowej i pojemników z folii aluminiowej:
Wszelkiego rodzaju pudełka na lunch produkowane z folii aluminiowej, aviation lunch boxes currently generally adopt the latest and most scientific aluminum foil surface coating treatment technology and high temperature disinfection and decontamination treatment technology from abroad, a produkty są piękne, eleganckie i luksusowe, and improve the quality of fast food. The current heat-sealable, high-temperature and high-pressure sterilization aluminum foil containers are also widely used in pies, mięso obiadowe, gęste puszki, sosy, dżemy i sery topione, mleko kawowe, vegetarian paste and other products that require long shelf life. Sealed packaging can also be used in non-food applications and industries, takich jak przemysł farmaceutyczny.
The advantages of aluminum foil packaging containers, niska waga i objętość przechowywania oraz niskie koszty transportu, “pokrywka z folii aluminiowej” łatwo się otwiera, 100% warstwa barierowa, wysoka ochrona produktu, sterylizacja w wysokiej temperaturze / pasteurization.
2. Application of aluminum foil container in microwave oven:
Whether it is cooked food or home-made food, cooking and reheating in a microwave oven is quick and convenient. The use of aluminum foil containers ensures the freshness of the food. The following is the performance of using aluminum foil container in microwave oven:
Ensure good and uniform heat transfer
Can be used on traditional stoves and microwave ovens
Can be used for barbecue
Protect food from scorching
Suitable for packaging of refrigerated, frozen and fresh food
Can be heated on the original packaging
Stable after cooking and heating
Safe, higieniczny, and reliable. The container heated at high temperature will not spill harmful substances to contaminate the food, which is not possible with any disposable container.
3. Matters needing attention
Only use aluminum foil containers no more than 3 cm thick (because microwaves can no longer pass through them).
The container must be filled with food. If it is not filled, there is a danger of scorching. Remove the aluminum foil cover at any time, otherwise the food will not be heated. If food must be covered. Please use a plate or microwave adhesive film.
Do remember that metal and metal can’t touch each other. The container can neither touch the furnace wall, door or bottom, nor other metal parts. W ten sposób, the arc and possible losses to the microwave oven will be avoided. W tym samym czasie, do not use plates with gold and silver trims.
The aluminum foil container should always be kept at a distance of 2 cm from the furnace wall or other aluminum foil containers. Such as aluminum foil container can be placed on the plate.
Increase cooking and heating time by about 10%, because food absorbs microwaves from above.
Do not use bent or damaged aluminum foil containers, and do not reuse aluminum foil containers. Please renew and recycle after cleaning.