5 hlavné dôvody pre pásku z hliníkovej fólie?

5 hlavné dôvody pre pásku z hliníkovej fólie?

1. Široký vodeodolný proti vlhkosti: Aluminum foil tape has the performance of moisture-proof, vodotesný, oxidácia, atď., ktoré môžu účinne chrániť lepiace predmety a zabrániť ich erózii vlhkosťou a vodnou parou.

2. Izolácia vnútorná: Páska z hliníkovej fólie má dobrý tepelnoizolačný výkon, dokáže účinne brániť prestupu tepla a je vhodný na tepelnú izoláciu potrubí, air conditioners, refrigerators, cars, trains, and other equipment.

aluminum foil tape

3. Easy to use: Aluminum foil tape has a high viscosity, can firmly bond the adhesive items and is easy to tear, which can be used easily and quickly.

4. High-temperature resistance: Aluminum foil tape has high high-temperature resistance, can withstand the use of high-temperature environments and is suitable for some occasions that require high-temperature resistance.

5. Beautiful and generous: aluminum foil tape has a bright color, good texture, and metallic luster, which is also welcomed in the field of home decoration, and car beauty.