
Vitajte v Huawei Aluminium, vaša popredná destinácia pre vysokú kvalitu 8011 O Temper hliníková fólia v rôznych hrúbkach mikrónov. Ako renomovaná továreň a veľkoobchodník, sme hrdí na to, že dodávame špičkové hliníkové produkty, ktoré spĺňajú a prekračujú priemyselné štandardy. V tomto podrobnom návode, preskúmame špecifikácie, zliatinové modely, aplikácie, a naše výhody 8011 O Temper Aluminum Foil in 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, a 25 mikrónov.


Specifications and Alloy Models

náš 8011 O Temper hliníková fólia is crafted with precision, adhering to the highest industry standards. Nižšie, you’ll find a comprehensive table detailing the alloy models and specifications for each micron thickness:

Alloy ModelHrúbka (Micron)šírka (mm)TemperSurfaceCore Material

These specifications are designed to cater to a wide range of applications, providing you with flexibility and durability.


náš 8011 O Temper Aluminum Foil finds applications across various industries due to its exceptional properties:

  1. Balenie: The foil is widely used for flexible packaging in the food and pharmaceutical industries, ensuring the freshness and safety of products.
  2. Izolácia: With excellent thermal insulation properties, our aluminum foil is employed in insulation applications for efficient temperature regulation.
  3. Household Use: Ideal for wrapping, varenie, a skladovanie potravín, the foil simplifies everyday tasks in households around the world.
  4. Electronics: In the electronics sector, our aluminum foil is a key component in the production of capacitors and cables, ensuring reliable performance.
  5. Automotive: Used in the manufacturing of heat exchangers and other automotive components, our aluminum foil contributes to the efficiency of automotive systems.

Advantages of 8011 O Temper hliníková fólia

Choosing our 8011 O Temper Aluminum Foil provides you with numerous advantages:

  • Flexibility: The foil can be easily molded and shaped to suit various packaging needs, making it an ideal choice for diverse applications.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Aluminum’s innate corrosion resistance ensures the foil remains intact and durable, even in challenging environments.
  • Thermal Insulation: The foil’s excellent heat reflection properties make it an optimal choice for applications requiring thermal insulation.
  • Recyclability: Committed to sustainability, aluminum is a fully recyclable material, minimizing environmental impact.

Quality Assurance and Certifications

V spoločnosti Huawei Aluminium, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest quality standards. náš 8011 O Temper Aluminum Foil undergoes rigorous quality control measures, and we proudly hold certifications from authoritative bodies, ensuring the reliability and safety of our products.


Ordering Information

To facilitate a seamless ordering process, please refer to the following information:

  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): We accommodate orders of various sizes; however, a specific MOQ may apply.
  • Lead Time: Specify the lead time for production and delivery based on your requirements.
  • Packaging Options: Choose from a range of packaging options to meet your specific needs.
  • Shipping Information: Explore our shipping methods and associated costs to plan your order effectively.

Prečo si vybrať nás?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. je lídrom mnohých výrobcov a dodávateľov hliníka v Číne. Prísne kontrolujeme kvalitu a zameriavame sa na zákazníkov. Dúfame, že s vami budeme mať hĺbkovú spoluprácu a poskytneme vám vysokokvalitné produkty z hliníkového materiálu na mieru OEM služby. Ak chcete získať najnovšie a najlepšie ceny za kg alebo za tonu štandardnej hmotnosti, prosím kontaktujte nás.

Linka na výrobu hliníkových fólií


  • Balíček: Drevené puzdro
  • Štandardná špecifikácia dreveného puzdra: Dĺžka * Šírka * Výška = 1,4 m * 1,3 m * 0,8 m
  • Raz potrebné,rozmer dreveného puzdra je možné podľa potreby zmeniť.
  • Váha brutto hmotnosti na drevené puzdro: 500-700KG Čistá hmotnosť: 450-650KG
  • Poznámka: Pre špeciálne požiadavky na balenie, zodpovedajúcim spôsobom sa doplnia.