Hliníková fólia vs cínová fólia

Hliníková fólia vs cínová fólia

Aký je rozdiel medzi hliníkovou fóliou a cínovou fóliou? Dá sa použiť na ohrev rúry? Je hliníková fólia pri zahrievaní toxická?

1. Rôzne vlastnosti: Hliníkový fóliový papier je vyrobený z kovového hliníka alebo hliníkovej zliatiny prostredníctvom valcovacieho zariadenia, a hrúbka je menšia ako 0,025 mm. Cínová fólia sa vyrába z kovového cínu valcovacím zariadením.

2. Teplota topenia je rôzna: the melting point of aluminum foil is 660°C. The boiling point is 2327°C, the appearance is a silver-white light metal, ductile and malleable. In humid air, an oxide film can be formed to prevent metal corrosion. The density of tin foil is 5.75g/cm3, the melting point is 231.89°C, and the boiling point is 2260°C. Has excellent ductility and ductility.

3. Different uses: the melting point of aluminum foil is higher than that of tin foil, so it is more suitable for grilling food.

Hliníková fólia vs cínová fólia

Hliníková fólia vs cínová fólia


1. The food wrapped in aluminum foil should be placed in the middle of the oven, preferably not too close to the side.

2. When using a microwave oven, it is also best to use a grill file.

3. The use of household foil will not release things that endanger people’s health at high temperatures like other materials.

4. The soft and hard quick-open tin foil should be used carefully. It is not difficult to use soft and hard tin foil, as long as it is used carefully and patiently, there is no problem.