Ťažká hliníková fólia a hliníková fólia sú vyrobené z hliníka valcovaním, a majú veľa podobností. Najväčší rozdiel medzi nimi je hrúbka, čo tiež vedie k rozdielom v mnohých aspektoch výkonu.
Ordinary aluminum foil: všeobecne označuje hliníkovú fóliu s tenšou hrúbkou a používanú na bežné balenie, ochranu a iné účely. Its thickness is usually less than 0.2mm, and it has the advantages of light weight, airtightness and good wrapping. This thin aluminum foil is light in weight and widely used for general household use, but it is easier to tear or puncture, especially when handling heavy or sharp objects.
Heavy duty aluminum foil: generally refers to aluminum foil products with thicker thickness and higher strength. Its thickness may exceed the standard range of ordinary aluminum foil, and it has better physical properties and load-bearing capacity. Heavy duty aluminum foil is usually 0.0008 palce (0.020 mm) do 0.001 palce (0.025 mm) hustý. The increased thickness makes it more durable, stronger and tear-resistant.
Strength and Durability