Navíjanie fólie, hliníková fólia, ktorá sa má napnúť, aby sa udržalo určité napätie, hladké, plochá cievka vinutia, čím hrubšia hliníková fólia vyžaduje väčšie napätie, maximálne napätie stroja na navíjanie cievky je obmedzené, prekročenie maximálneho napätia stroja je nebezpečné, napätie je príliš malé, cievka je uvoľnená, nemôže zabezpečiť požiadavky na veľkosť. Preto, here is not to say that you want to increase the thickness of aluminum foil, because transformer designers for the thickness of aluminum foil, section, current density, temperature rise, atď., can be considered as a whole, rather than blindly adjust the thickness to design and calculate the winding characteristics of the transformer.
Thank you very much for your analysis and answer. The original foil winding machine for the thickness of the aluminum foil is 2. Only 0, but if necessary, must be increased to 2.5. What is the easiest way to modify the foil winding machine?