1235 aluminijasta folija je folija iz aluminijeve zlitine z višjo vsebnostjo v 1000 serije. Je visokokakovosten material iz aluminijeve zlitine, ki se lahko široko uporablja na številnih področjih. Lahko se široko uporablja v embalaži folije za živila in embalaži folije za zdravila. Lahko se uporablja tudi za pakiranje baterij.
Mehanske lastnosti 1235 aluminum foil used in battery packaging at room temperature.
When used in battery foil packaging, the upper surface of 1235 aluminum foil should be uniform in color, clean, flat, and free of aluminum chips and powder. Corrosion marks, obvious wheel marks, crushing pits and other defects that may affect use are not allowed. The dark side of the double-sided aluminum foil is not allowed to have clearly visible bright spots, and the smooth side should not have rolling defects such as spots, herringbones, svetle črte, itd. and uneven brightness that would affect the use.
The aluminum foil roll should be wound with appropriate tightness, the end face should be flush and clean, the edges should be smooth, and there should be no burrs, puščice, stolpi, ruffles, warped edges and other defects that affect use. Aluminum foil is not allowed to have defects such as loose edges on one side or loose edges in the middle that may affect coating.
The misalignment of aluminum foil rolls is not allowed to exceed 1.omm.
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., doo. je vodja številnih proizvajalcev in dobaviteljev aluminija na Kitajskem. Strogo nadzorujemo kakovost in se osredotočamo na stranke. Upamo, da bomo z vami poglobljeno sodelovali in vam zagotovili visokokakovostne izdelke iz aluminijastih materialov po meri OEM storitev. Če želite dobiti najnovejše in najboljše cene na kg ali na tono standardne teže, kontaktirajte nas.