chii 1100 alloy aluminium foil

1100 alloy aluminium foil imhando yealuminium foil yakagadzirwa kubva 99% aruminiyamu yakachena. Inowanzoshandiswa mune zvakasiyana-siyana zvekushandisa senge kurongedza, insulation, uye zvemagetsi nekuda kweiyo yakanakisa corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity, uye yakanaka magetsi conductivity.

1100 alloy aluminium foil yakapfava uye ductile, kuita kuti zvive nyore kushanda pamwe nekuumba. It can be easily formed into different shapes and sizes, and it can also be easily laminated with other materials to improve its properties. Additionally, 1100 alloy aluminum foil has a high reflectivity, which makes it suitable for use in reflective insulation applications.

Chemical composition of 1100 alloy aluminium foil

Sure, here is a table summarizing the chemical composition of 1100 alloy aluminium foil:

ElementWeight Percentage
Aluminium (Al)99.0% min.
Silicon (Uye)0.95% max.
Iron (Fe)0.05% max.
Mhangura (Cu)0.05% max.
Manganese (Mn)0.05% max.
Zinc (Zn)0.10% max.
Other elements0.15% max. each; 0.05% max. total

The values listed above are for general reference only.

Mechanical properties of 1100 alloy aluminium foil

Sure, here is a table summarizing the typical mechanical properties of 1100 alloy aluminium foil:

Mechanical PropertyTypical Value
Tensile Simba55-90 MPa
Goho Simba15-75 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity70 GPa
Kuoma16-28 BHN

The values listed above are for general reference only.

Kushandiswa kwe 1100 aluminium foil

PackagingUsed in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic packaging as a barrier material that prevents moisture, okisijeni, and light from entering the package
InsulationUsed in HVAC systems, refrigeration units, and electrical insulation due to its high thermal conductivity
CapacitorsUsed in the production of capacitors, electronic components that store electrical energy
Lithium-ion batteriesUsed as a current collector in lithium-ion batteries, increasing energy density and performance
AutomotiveUsed in heat exchangers, condensers, and evaporators in the automotive industry due to its excellent heat transfer properties
ElectronicsUsed in the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and other electronic components due to its low cost and excellent electrical conductivity

Sei kusarudza isu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ndiye mutungamiri weazhinji aruminiyamu anogadzira uye vatengesi muChina. Isu tinonyatso kudzora kunaka uye kutarisa kune vatengi. Isu tinovimba kuve nekubatana kwakadzama newe uye kukupa iwe yemhando yepamusoro aluminium zvinhu zvigadzirwa tsika OEM masevhisi. Kana iwe uchida kuwana mitengo mitsva uye yakanakisa nekg kana patani yakajairwa huremu, ndapota taura nesu.

Aluminium foil yekugadzira mutsara


  • Package: Wooden kesi
  • Standard Wooden kesi yakatarwa: Kureba*Kufara*Kureba=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Kamwe kanodiwa,huni kesi dimension inogona kugadzirwa patsva sezvinodiwa.
  • Panyaya yemapuranga Gross Weight scale: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Remark: Zvekurongedza zvakakosha zvinodiwa, zvinoenderana zvichawedzerwa saizvozvo.