saka Chii chinonzi Aluminium foil giredhi 1235?

1235 Alloy Aluminium Foil is an aluminum alloy material commonly used in the packaging industry. Yakakwirira se 99.35% yakachena, ine yakanaka kuchinjika uye ductility, uye zvakare ine yakanaka magetsi uye yekupisa conductivity.

Iyo yepamusoro yakaputirwa kana kupendwa kuti iwedzere kuramba kwayo kune ngura uye abrasion.

1235 Alloy Aluminium Foil is widely used in food packaging, kurongedza mishonga, electrical and electronic product packaging and other fields.

1235 alloy aluminium foil

1235 alloy aluminium foil

1235-0 aluminium foil

1235-0 aluminium foil is a soft aluminum foil. The surface of aluminum foil after rolling is very smooth without any deformation and stretching, so it is called “0” state.

1235-0 aluminum foil can also be used as heat insulation material, because its surface is very smooth, which can effectively reflect heat radiation and reduce energy loss.

Alloy composition of aluminum 1235

The main component of 1235 alloy aluminum foil is aluminum, with a purity of more than 99.35%. The content of the remaining components is very low and will not have a significant impact on the performance of the aluminum foil.

The chemical composition of 1235 aluminum foil alloy is as follows:

99.35%0.05% max0.05% max0.05% max0.03% max

Mechanical properties of 1235 alloy aluminum

1235 aluminum foil performs well in terms of mechanical properties, the following are its main mechanical properties:

Kusimba simbalow50-100 MPaenough to meet the requirements of the general packaging industry.
Yield strengthlowbelow 35 MPasoft and easy to process.
Elongationhigh5-30%For the packaging industry, it folds, wraps, and bends with ease.
Kuomalow18-25HBsoft and easy to process.

Although its tensile strength and yield strength are low, its excellent physical and chemical properties make it widely used in packaging, zvemagetsi, and other fields.

Physical properties of 1235 aluminium

1. Density: 1235 aluminum foil has a density of about 2.7 g/cm³, and because aluminum has a lower density, it is lighter than other common metals.

2. Kuchinja-chinja: 1235 aluminum foil is very flexible and can be easily folded, bent and wrapped around items without cracking or breaking. so, This also makes it ideal for use in the packaging industry.

3. Simba: Although 1235 aluminum foil is very soft, it still has a certain strength. Withstand certain tension and compression force, not easy to deform.

1235 aluminium

1235 aluminium

4. Thermal conductivity: Aluminum is an excellent thermal conductor, so 1235 aluminum foil has very good thermal conductivity, and can quickly transfer heat to the surface of objects, making it very effective in thermal protection.

5. Conductivity: Aluminum is also an excellent electrical conductor, so 1235 aluminum foil has good electrical conductivity and is widely used in the field of electrical and electronic products.

6. Corrosion resistance: Due to the high purity of aluminum in 1235 aluminium foil, it has very good corrosion resistance and is not easily oxidized or corroded. This makes it ideal for use in areas such as food packaging and pharmaceutical packaging.

Other alloy type aluminum foil:

1145 alloy aluminium foil
1200 alloy aluminium foil
3003 alloy aluminium foil
8006 alloy aluminium foil
8011 alloy aluminium foil
8021 alloy aluminium foil
8079 alloy aluminium foil

Sei kusarudza isu?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. ndiye mutungamiri weazhinji aruminiyamu anogadzira uye vatengesi muChina. Isu tinonyatso kudzora kunaka uye kutarisa kune vatengi. Isu tinovimba kuve nekubatana kwakadzama newe uye kukupa iwe yemhando yepamusoro aluminium zvinhu zvigadzirwa tsika OEM masevhisi. Kana iwe uchida kuwana mitengo mitsva uye yakanakisa nekg kana patani yakajairwa huremu, ndapota taura nesu.

Aluminium foil yekugadzira mutsara


  • Package: Wooden kesi
  • Standard Wooden kesi yakatarwa: Kureba*Kufara*Kureba=1.4m*1.3m*0.8m
  • Kamwe kanodiwa,huni kesi dimension inogona kugadzirwa patsva sezvinodiwa.
  • Panyaya yemapuranga Gross Weight scale: 500-700KG Net Weight: 450-650KG
  • Remark: Zvekurongedza zvakakosha zvinodiwa, zvinoenderana zvichawedzerwa saizvozvo.